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  • regression on categorical variables.

    i want to do some regressions on categorical variables, both the dependend and independend variables are categorical.
    can i just use the regress command. and can the outcomes be interpreted the same (so if the dependend variable rises with 1 the independend variable rises with the coëfficiënt)
    can i make logaritmic functions of these variables, and can i interpreted them the same (so if the dependend variable rises with 1 percent, the independend variable rises with the coëfficiënt as a percentage)

    the variables are:
    ch11e004 (about hapiness) with 5 categories (very sad, sad, normal, happy, very happy)
    and cw12e138 (about working hours) with 4 categories ( works shifts, works sometimes outside office hours, works regularly outside office hours, never works outside office hours)
    or cw12e140 (about working hours) with 4 categories ( works never in weekend, works sometimes in weekend, works every few weeks in weekends, works almost alltime in weekend) this variable is a little bit more useful i guess because it is ordinal?

    i used egen newvar = group(cw12e140/138/ch11e004) to make them numeric, but they still are categorical

    i know how to do normal regressions with continious variables, but i don't what to do with these categories. and can i make numbers for cw12e138 because it can't be said if working shifts is "higher" than not working outside office hours or work a lot outside office hours?

    thanks in advance for your tips and advice
    kind regards Erwin
    Last edited by Beunhez; 23 Apr 2014, 08:04.

  • #2
    It sounds like you have a 5 category ordinal dependent variable. If you used OLS regression with it, you wouldn't be the first. But I would suggest reading up on logistic regression and ordinal regression first. Just reading through the manual entries for logit and ologit and mlogit would be a good start. Or get a copy of Long and Freese's book:

    A new edition is in the works.
    Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
    StataNow Version: 18.5 MP (2 processor)

    EMAIL: [email protected]


    • #3
      thank you for answering.
      so then i should use: ologit ch11e004 i.cw12e138? can i take the logaritmic functions en do ologit lnch11e004 i.lncw12e138 and say the increase of the coëfficiënt in percentages?


      • #4
        No, you cannot use the logarithm trick in ordinal regression as you could (but probably shouldn't, see in linear regression. For the proper way of interpreting these models you really need to read up on these techniques. Rich already gave you an excelent suggestion on where to start.
        Maarten L. Buis
        University of Konstanz
        Department of history and sociology
        box 40
        78457 Konstanz

