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  • Marginal Fixed Effects on Ordered Probit

    I am running an ordered probit model and am looking to calculate the marginal effects using the mfx post estimation command.

    I am trying to get the estimated probability of the outcome 8 or greater. I am running the following command mfx compute, predict(outcome(8)) but I think the output provided is the estimated probability for outcome 8 ONLY. How do I get outcome for 8 and higher. My dependent variable ranges from 0-10.

    I tried the following mfx compute, predict(outcome(>=8)) and this did not work.

    Many thanks,

  • #2
    First off, unless you are using an ancient version of stata, don't use mfx. Use margins instead.

    Second, check out Nick Winter's -combomarginsplot- command, available from SSC. He shows some neat tricks I was not aware of for combining categories in an oprobit or ologit. Even if you don't use his program, you may be able to adapt his examples. In particular, I am guessing that you can modify this example that he gives:

            . sysuse auto
            . oprobit rep78 i.foreign mpg price weight
            . margins foreign, at(mpg=(10(5)50)) expression(predict(outcome(1))+predict(outcome(2))) saving(file4, replace)
            . margins foreign, at(mpg=(10(5)50)) expression(predict(outcome(4))+predict(outcome(5))) saving(file5, replace)
            . combomarginsplot file4 file5 , labels("Outcomes 1&2" "Outcomes 4&5") noci file1opts(pstyle(p1)) file2opts(pstyle(p2)) lplot1(mfcolor(white))
    Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
    StataNow Version: 18.5 MP (2 processor)

    EMAIL: [email protected]

