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  • How do I rename a set of variables in one dataset based on a separate codelist stored as another dataset?

    I'm new to Stata (about a week) and I want to rename variables in one dataset based on a metadata codelist stored in another dataset.

    e.g. I have a dataset AGE as below:

    a b c
    GH 2 3
    BH 2 5

    and I have a metadata codelist META as below:

    var var_decode
    a initials
    b age_years
    c age_months

    I want to replace the variable names a, b and c in AGE with the var_decodes from META

    I think this is probably really simple but if somebody can give me a hand with the syntax or some example code it would be a big help

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    What about "rename (a b c) (initials age_years age_months)"? See help rename group. I guess your question might have been how do you do that programmatically...can you build local macros from the code list file if you don't want to do a one-off edit in a text file?


    • #3
      Thanks Dave,

      I was looking for a program, probably using a local macro variable, to do this as I have over over 3000 variables to rename!

      I've been trying to use this sort of code but I need to replace the code on line 2 with something that will 'look-up' the var_decode in my META dataset rather than just impute a lowercase version.

      foreach oldname of varlist * {
      local newname=lower("`oldname'")
      rename `oldname' `newname'

      Any ideas?


      • #4
        Try something like the following:
        version 13.1
        clear *
        set more off
        input str1 var str244 var_decode
        a initials
        b age_years
        c age_months
        quietly save META, replace
        drop _all
        input str2 a byte(b c)
        GH 2 3
        BH 2 5
        * Begin here
        local varlist
        foreach var of varlist _all {
            local varlist `varlist' `var'
        quietly generate str1 var = ""
        quietly generate str244 var_decode = ""
        append using META
        foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
            quietly levelsof var_decode if var == "`var'", local(varname)
            local varname : list clean varname
            rename `var' `varname'
        quietly keep if missing(var)
        drop var var_decode
        list, noobs separator(0) abbreviate(20)


        • #5
          Many thanks, Joseph!

          I'm able to run the code you provided perfectly with your input data, but when I try and run the same code (from 'begin here' down) with my data I get this syntax error reported.

          I've stepped through the code and everything up to this last foreach loop seems to be working as expected.

          Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

          . foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
          2. quietly levelsof var_code if var_no == "`var'", local(varname)
          3. local varname : list clean varname
          4. rename `var' `varname'
          5. }
          syntax error
          Syntax is
          rename oldname newname [, renumber[(#)] addnumber[(#)] sort ...]
          rename (oldnames) (newnames) [, renumber[(#)] addnumber[(#)] sort ...]
          rename oldnames , {upper|lower|proper}

          end of do-file



          • #6
            Originally posted by stewartacraig View Post
            Many thanks, Joseph!

            I'm able to run the code you provided perfectly with your input data, but when I try and run the same code (from 'begin here' down) with my data I get this syntax error reported.

            I've stepped through the code and everything up to this last foreach loop seems to be working as expected.

            Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

            . foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
            2. quietly levelsof var_code if var_no == "`var'", local(varname)
            3. local varname : list clean varname
            4. rename `var' `varname'
            5. }
            syntax error
            Syntax is
            rename oldname newname [, renumber[(#)] addnumber[(#)] sort ...]
            rename (oldnames) (newnames) [, renumber[(#)] addnumber[(#)] sort ...]
            rename oldnames , {upper|lower|proper}

            end of do-file

            it is likely that you ended up with a list that has more than one value. Make sure that you have no duplicates in the META dataset.
            The error is consistent with the
            sysuse auto, clear
            rename mpg foo bar
            So type isid var , or , set trace on and run to see which variable is causing troubles.

            Best,Sergiy Radyakin.

            PS: bug in the forum software requires adding commas to the "So type..." line above, otherwise the spaces are eaten up around the word "or".


            • #7
              Thanks Sergiy. I see what's going on now...

              The var_code strings are full of spaces and special characters which are causing problems at the rename stage.

              I removed all the spaces and special characters from the first 30 var-codes and the code works perfectly over these

              I now need to figure out a quick way to trim and tidy all 3000+ var_code strings or rewrite the rename statement in way that it can handle spaces and special characters...

              Again, if anybody has any experience of this it would be great to know

              Thanks all.


              • #8
                Use can use the local macname : subinstr macro extended function to swap out the illegal character for one that's acceptable in a Stata name. For a list of special characters, you'd use a loop that traverses the list.
                local special_characters <your list of special characters>
                foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
                    quietly levelsof var_decode if var == "`var'", local(varname)
                    local varname : list clean varname
                    // For spaces
                    local varname : subinstr local varname " " "_", all
                    // For the others
                    foreach char in `special_characters' {
                        local varname : subinstr local varname "`char'" "_", all
                    rename `var' `varname'
                You'll need to check that you don't end up with collisions (duplicate names incidentally formed during the substitutions). Also, certain characters are tricky with local macros, for example, double quote mark, single quote mark, grave accent, reverse solidus (escape character).


                • #9
                  Here's another way to do it. It assumes the
                  variables are ordered in the same way in both

                  input str1 var str10 var_decode
                  a initials
                  b age_years
                  c age_months
                  forvalues i = 1/`=_N' {
                      local mynewvars `mynewvars' `=var_decode[`i']'
                  display "`mynewvars'"
                  input str2 a byte(b c)
                  GH 2 3
                  BH 2 5
                  foreach var of varlist * {
                      local myoldvars `myoldvars' `var'
                  display "`myoldvars'"
                  rename (`myoldvars') (`mynewvars')


                  • #10
                    The function strtoname() can be used translate strings with ilegal characters to Stata names. See help strtoname().
                    You should:

                    1. Read the FAQ carefully.

                    2. "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. N.B. exactly!"

                    3. Describe your dataset. Use list to list data when you are doing so. Use input to type in your own dataset fragment that others can experiment with.

                    4. Use the advanced editing options to appropriately format quotes, data, code and Stata output. The advanced options can be toggled on/off using the A button in the top right corner of the text editor.


                    • #11
                      After reviewing the new information posted, I've got the opinion that the META file is just a list of labels, not alternative variable names (since the texts there are not conforming to Stata's variable naming restrictions, contain duplicates, etc). stewartacraig may need to read about the labels and see whether they are the solution to his(her) problem.

