As far as I can tell, nobody else has started a thread like this on the new board, so I figured I would go first. Having all the wishes compiled in a single thread might be helpful.
My wishes include:
Command specific help for margins (or else some FAQs). People are always asking why margins does or doesn't do this or that after some command. Panel data techniques seem especially problematic. The answer is usually that some option is not appropriate given the technique used. Stats geniuses might already realize this, but for the rest of us some sort of at least brief explanation would help.
Better support for margins with multiple outcome commands. After commands like ologit and mlogit, you have to run a separate margins command for each outcome of the dependent variable. I'd like to have margins do it with one command.
More powerful factor variables. I'd like to be able to specify more functions of independent variables, e.g. the log of a variable, the cube root, whatever. Then have margins realize that functions of the same variable are related to each other, e.g. the value of X is related to the value of the square root of X.
My wishes include:
Command specific help for margins (or else some FAQs). People are always asking why margins does or doesn't do this or that after some command. Panel data techniques seem especially problematic. The answer is usually that some option is not appropriate given the technique used. Stats geniuses might already realize this, but for the rest of us some sort of at least brief explanation would help.
Better support for margins with multiple outcome commands. After commands like ologit and mlogit, you have to run a separate margins command for each outcome of the dependent variable. I'd like to have margins do it with one command.
More powerful factor variables. I'd like to be able to specify more functions of independent variables, e.g. the log of a variable, the cube root, whatever. Then have margins realize that functions of the same variable are related to each other, e.g. the value of X is related to the value of the square root of X.