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  • New .ado for making LaTeX and Stata play nicely.

    Hey all,

    I've written an .ado called -tex3pt- which takes esttab output and makes really nice looking LaTeX tables. Tex3pt is available on ssc. Here are the distribution notes:

    tex3pt takes .tex output from esttab and writes it into a LaTeX
    file using threeparttable. This greatly improves the level of
    compatibility between LaTeX and esttab. Since this program uses
    the LaTeX package threeparttable the notes and title of the table
    will not bleed beyond the width of the table. Multiple calls of
    tex3pt allows the user to compile many tables in a single LaTeX
    document easily.

    Check out the help file for a few simple examples of what my program can accomplish!

    Enjoy the program!
    Last edited by Derek Wolfson; 21 Apr 2014, 10:29.

  • #2
    As a side note, I am attempting to find out how to make the compile option (which opens the shell and runs pdflatex) to work on Mac and Linux.

    I have tried running the compile option on Mac however the -shell- (or -!-) command opens the x11 shell, which does not recognize the pdflatex command. Apparently some OSX versions open the terminal with -shell- and the x11 shell with -xshell- but all the machines I have tested open the x11 shell with the -shell- command. If anyone has a clever way of fixing this I would greatly appreciate it as I would love for this option to work on Mac.

    I don't have access to a Linux machine with Stata, so I couldn't test the compile option on Linux. If someone can verify that -shell pdflatex- will compile a .tex document then I will add the capacity for the compile option in Linux.

    Thanks all -- I hope you enjoy the program!


    • #3
      I have previously had this problem and it was due to the $PATH environmental variable not including the path for the Latex commands. Instead of:
      !pdflatex myfile.tex
      you can try:
      !PATH=\$PATH\:/usr/local/bin:/usr/texbin; pdflatex myfile.tex

