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  • Problem using "Edit Avatar"


    I've been trying to include an image for myself via "Edit Avatar," but after I browse to the image, and the image shows up momentarily in the dialog for that function, I then immediately get an error message that says "Image resize failed due to your image library not having support for this image type." To no avail, I tried versions of the image in gif, jpg, bmp, and png, The image is less than 200 X 200. Any thoughts on this?

    And, a meta-comment here on personal images: While at first the idea of posting with a picture seemed overly personal to me, I've rethought this, and I think that this practice, while not something I would make an expectation, will further contribute to a culture of civility, as does our "real names please" norm.

    Mike Lacy
    Fort Collins CO

  • #2
    Personal images are a personal choice. There is no comment anywhere that we expect people to show images, or even that those images are, or should be, personally relevant.

    Names are different!


    • #3
      I assume that the technical difficulty you are experiencing is related to a current problem of uploading graphs/images which is expected to be resolved this week, see Alan's post.


      • #4
        Thanks to Dirk here for pointing out the current image problems. And, Nick, no, I wasn't advocating making self-images an expectation. I was just describing my own experience in changing my mind about this practice.

        Mike Lacy
        Fort Collins CO

