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  • Connect to web API using STATA and read back data in XML

    Hello STATA gurus,
    I have medications data captured by a string variable “med1”, for example “Zocor 2010 20mg”. I need to connect to a web based database (API) that will examine the medication name and return the possible standardized medication code to my database. There is a list of commands that the web-based server recognizes and returns the requested values.
    For example “approximateTerm” command for the medication presented in the example above (Zocor 2010 20mg) returns the following medication information in XML
    <inputTerm>zocor 10 mg</inputTerm>
    I need information in the new columns: “rxcui” (it will be “563653”) and “rank” (“1”). How do I query the web based API and read this info into STATA? Any suggestions are appreciated!!!

  • #2
    Does your web API output JSON as well as XML? If so, you can use insheetjson (from SSC). I don't know if there is an XML equivalent, but people always seem to use JSON for things like this (e.g., using the Google or Mapquest APIs to geocode address data).


    • #3
      Thanks Joe! This is very helpful- the website does output the JSON format. My question now is how to use STATA to automatically query the website and get the data back... Would appreciate any insights!


      • #4
        Here is an example I did recently using the MapQuest API. It illustrates how to generate URLs for web queries and how to process the results:

        capture gen str244 lat=""
        capture gen str244 lng=""
        forvalues i=1/`=_N' {
          local address = street[`i']+","+city[`i']+","+state[`i']+" "+zip[`i']
          local address = subinstr("`address'"," ","%20",.)
          noisily di as text "MapQuest Geocoding `i' of `=_N'"
          local url{%22location%22:%22`address'%22}
          //insheetjson using "`url'", showresponse   // This is good for initial debugging, to see what is coming back
          local obs=`i'-1
          qui insheetjson lat lng using "`url'", table("results") col("locations:1:latLng:lat" "locations:1:latLng:lng") offset(`obs') replace
        insheetjson actually takes care of both the query and the results; all of the rest is setup.

        Hope this is helpful with your situation.

