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  • tab frequency by order

    Hi, is there any way to show the frequency table by descending order of frequency?

    For, example, I want to see the below table from the highest frequency to the lowest frequency.

    Thank you.

    | A B | Total
    -1 | 94 24 | 118
    64 | 1 0 | 1
    160 | 579 65 | 644
    329 | 1 0 | 1
    635 | 155 172 | 327
    6970 | 44 7 | 51
    7138 | 0 1 | 1
    Total | 3,057 713 | 3,770

    Pearson chi2(61) = 782.0937 Pr = 0.000

  • #2
    Use the sort option to the tabulate command.


    • #3
      Thank you for your help.
      However, sort option only works in oneway table.
      Is there any to use that function in twoway table?
      Thank you.


      • #4
        Leaving aside the question of why one would need to do such a thing, you could use the matcell() and matrow() options:

        tab rowvar colvar, matcell(C) matrow(R)
        matrix A=R,C,C[1...,1]+C[1...,2]
        mata: st_matrix("A", sort(st_matrix("A"),-4))
        matrix list A


        • #5
          My apologies (I should have read more carefully). I'm not aware of any "off the shelf" command, but Nick showed how to tackle this problem in his Speaking Stata column entitled "On numbers and strings". For example:
          sysuse nlsw88
          decode industry, gen(foo)
          bysort foo : gen freq = -_N
          egen foobar = axis(freq foo), label(foo)
          tab foobar race
          Note that axis() is part of Nick's egenmore package, which you can install with ssc install egenmore.
          Last edited by Phil Schumm; 17 Apr 2014, 16:15.


          • #6
            Consider a multiway table with I x J x K ... categories formed by cross-combination of any number of variables. Then groups (SSC) collapses that table to a one long table. Sorting by frequency is a key option.

            Here is an example:

            . webuse nlswork, clear
            (National Longitudinal Survey.  Young Women 14-26 years of age in 1968)
            . groups race union south collgrad
              | race   union   south   collgrad   Freq.   Percent |
              |    1       0       0          0    5499     28.59 |
              |    1       0       0          1    1344      6.99 |
              |    1       0       1          0    3115     16.19 |
              |    1       0       1          1     818      4.25 |
              |    1       1       0          0    1587      8.25 |
              |    1       1       0          1     681      3.54 |
              |    1       1       1          0     415      2.16 |
              |    1       1       1          1     134      0.70 |
              |    2       0       0          0     963      5.01 |
              |    2       0       0          1     143      0.74 |
              |    2       0       1          0    2367     12.31 |
              |    2       0       1          1     311      1.62 |
              |    2       1       0          0     726      3.77 |
              |    2       1       0          1     132      0.69 |
              |    2       1       1          0     658      3.42 |
              |    2       1       1          1     131      0.68 |
              |    3       0       0          0     102      0.53 |
              |    3       0       0          1      39      0.20 |
              |    3       0       1          0      20      0.10 |
              |    3       0       1          1       6      0.03 |
              |    3       1       0          0      25      0.13 |
              |    3       1       0          1      18      0.09 |
              |    3       1       1          1       1      0.01 |
            . groups race union south collgrad, order(high)
              | race   union   south   collgrad   Freq.   Percent |
              |    1       0       0          0    5499     28.59 |
              |    1       0       1          0    3115     16.19 |
              |    2       0       1          0    2367     12.31 |
              |    1       1       0          0    1587      8.25 |
              |    1       0       0          1    1344      6.99 |
              |    2       0       0          0     963      5.01 |
              |    1       0       1          1     818      4.25 |
              |    2       1       0          0     726      3.77 |
              |    1       1       0          1     681      3.54 |
              |    2       1       1          0     658      3.42 |
              |    1       1       1          0     415      2.16 |
              |    2       0       1          1     311      1.62 |
              |    2       0       0          1     143      0.74 |
              |    1       1       1          1     134      0.70 |
              |    2       1       0          1     132      0.69 |
              |    2       1       1          1     131      0.68 |
              |    3       0       0          0     102      0.53 |
              |    3       0       0          1      39      0.20 |
              |    3       1       0          0      25      0.13 |
              |    3       0       1          0      20      0.10 |
              |    3       1       0          1      18      0.09 |
              |    3       0       1          1       6      0.03 |
              |    3       1       1          1       1      0.01 |
            There was an early discussion of groups in

            SJ-3-4 pr0011 . . . . . . . . Speaking Stata: Problems with tables, Part II
            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
            Q4/03 SJ 3(4):420--439 (no commands)
            reviews three user-written commands (tabcount, makematrix,
            and groups) as different approaches to tabulation problems

            which is freely available at

            but that is not up-to-date. The 2012 version now at SSC is documented in moderate detail in its own help

            The chi-square test detail is naturally something you can get already from tabulate (and indeed in more detail from tabchi from tab_chi on SSC).


            • #7
              i also learnt cross tabulation from this same platform elsewhere before becoming a member by this simple command:
              bysort a: b c
              i was struggling to get a good cross tabulation for about three variables: study towns, visits rate and practices

              my example and output looked like this:
              bysort towns: tab2 monitoring_visitsrate composite_hygienelevel, chi2 exact

              towns = ejura

              -> tabulation of monitoring_visitsrate by composite_hygienelevel

              Enumerating sample-space combinations:
              stage 3: enumerations = 1
              stage 2: enumerations = 17
              stage 1: enumerations = 0

              monitoring_visits | composite_hygienelevel
              rate | above ave average below ave | Total
              Frequent visits | 3 6 4 | 13
              Infrequent visits | 3 19 33 | 55
              No visits | 1 0 6 | 7
              Total | 7 25 43 | 75

              Pearson chi2(4) = 9.3517 Pr = 0.053
              Fisher's exact = 0.025

              -> towns = mankranso

              -> tabulation of monitoring_visitsrate by composite_hygienelevel

              Enumerating sample-space combinations:
              stage 3: enumerations = 1
              stage 2: enumerations = 4
              stage 1: enumerations = 0

              monitoring_visits | composite_hygienelevel
              rate | above ave average below ave | Total
              Frequent visits | 9 14 16 | 39
              Infrequent visits | 1 4 5 | 10
              No visits | 1 0 0 | 1
              Total | 11 18 21 | 50

              Pearson chi2(4) = 4.4263 Pr = 0.351
              Fisher's exact = 0.466


              • #8
                i also learnt cross tabulation from this same platform elsewhere before becoming a member by this simple command:
                bysort a: b c
                i was struggling to get a good cross tabulation for about three variables: study towns, visits rate and practices

                my example and output looked like this:
                bysort towns: tab2 monitoring_visitsrate composite_hygienelevel, chi2 exact

                towns = A

                -> tabulation of monitoring_visitsrate by composite_hygienelevel

                Enumerating sample-space combinations:
                stage 3: enumerations = 1
                stage 2: enumerations = 17
                stage 1: enumerations = 0

                monitoring_visits | composite_hygienelevel
                rate | above ave average below ave | Total
                Frequent visits | 3 6 4 | 13
                Infrequent visits | 3 19 33 | 55
                No visits | 1 0 6 | 7
                Total | 7 25 43 | 75

                Pearson chi2(4) = 9.3517 Pr = 0.053
                Fisher's exact = 0.025

                -> towns = B

                -> tabulation of monitoring_visitsrate by composite_hygienelevel

                Enumerating sample-space combinations:
                stage 3: enumerations = 1
                stage 2: enumerations = 4
                stage 1: enumerations = 0

                monitoring_visits | composite_hygienelevel
                rate | above ave average below ave | Total
                Frequent visits | 9 14 16 | 39
                Infrequent visits | 1 4 5 | 10
                No visits | 1 0 0 | 1
                Total | 11 18 21 | 50

                Pearson chi2(4) = 4.4263 Pr = 0.351
                Fisher's exact = 0.466


                • #9
                  Hello: I jumped in in this discussion very late (the last comment is from 2015). I used the solution proposed by Nick in his post#6 and it worked (thanks Nick). The table I get by using this method is good but I need to ask Stata to: (i) show only those observations that have a frequency higher than a certain number, and (ii) to display the table in let's say 10 lines with breaks (I know how to do this with "list" but not with groups) because it is very long so when stata produces it then I can scroll up from the bottom and cannot see the entire table. I hope my explanation is not too confusing. Thank you. Juan


                  • #10
                    With groups (now from the Stata Journal) you can do this. I am not clear what your (ii) means but I have made a guess.

                    . webuse nlswork , clear
                    (National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women, 14-24 years old in 1968)
                    . groups birth_yr , select(f >= 10) sep(10)
                      | birth_yr   Freq.   Percent     %<= |
                      |       41      26      0.09    0.09 |
                      |       42     574      2.01    2.10 |
                      |       43    1522      5.33    7.44 |
                      |       44    2095      7.34   14.78 |
                      |       45    2311      8.10   22.88 |
                      |       46    2707      9.49   32.36 |
                      |       47    3040     10.65   43.02 |
                      |       48    3017     10.57   53.59 |
                      |       49    3095     10.85   64.44 |
                      |       50    2718      9.53   73.96 |
                      |       51    2765      9.69   83.65 |
                      |       52    2722      9.54   93.19 |
                      |       53    1935      6.78   99.98 |


                    • #11
                      Nick: I really appreciate your help (your proposed solution worked super well and was exactly what I was looking for). By the way, I apologise for not replying earlier. Thank you so much. Juan

