Hi everyone,
I'm using ppmlhdfe in STATA to estimate my trade gravity model.
This is my code in STATA:
ppmlhdfe trade fta log_tariff log_ntmA log_ntmD log_ntmE i.groupID i.imp_p_HS6, cluster(iso3num_d)
in which,
- non-tariff measures are disaggregated by type (A,B,E,D) and are count variables.
- fta is a binary variable
- i.groupID: importer-year fixed effects
- i.imp_p_HS6: importer-product fixed effects
- robust SE is clustered by importer
I do not include any fixed effects for exporter, because my data only has one exporter.
If I exclude log_tariff variable, the coefficient of log_ntmA becomes significant (p<0.01). However, whenever I include log_tariff, the coefficient of log_ntmA becomes insignificant, though it does not flip sign.
Can I exclude my log_tariff variable from the regression? Or what could I do to fix it?
Please kindly help! Thank you very much!
P/s: Joao Santos Silva I follow your answer on different threads on this gravity model topic, if you have some times, please kindly help me. Thank you!
I'm using ppmlhdfe in STATA to estimate my trade gravity model.
This is my code in STATA:
ppmlhdfe trade fta log_tariff log_ntmA log_ntmD log_ntmE i.groupID i.imp_p_HS6, cluster(iso3num_d)
in which,
- non-tariff measures are disaggregated by type (A,B,E,D) and are count variables.
- fta is a binary variable
- i.groupID: importer-year fixed effects
- i.imp_p_HS6: importer-product fixed effects
- robust SE is clustered by importer
I do not include any fixed effects for exporter, because my data only has one exporter.
If I exclude log_tariff variable, the coefficient of log_ntmA becomes significant (p<0.01). However, whenever I include log_tariff, the coefficient of log_ntmA becomes insignificant, though it does not flip sign.
Can I exclude my log_tariff variable from the regression? Or what could I do to fix it?
Please kindly help! Thank you very much!
P/s: Joao Santos Silva I follow your answer on different threads on this gravity model topic, if you have some times, please kindly help me. Thank you!