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  • Problem with the multicollinearity in trade gravity model estimated by ppml

    Hi everyone,

    I'm using ppmlhdfe in STATA to estimate my trade gravity model.

    This is my code in STATA:
    ppmlhdfe trade fta log_tariff log_ntmA log_ntmD log_ntmE i.groupID i.imp_p_HS6, cluster(iso3num_d)

    in which,
    - non-tariff measures are disaggregated by type (A,B,E,D) and are count variables.
    - fta is a binary variable
    - i.groupID: importer-year fixed effects
    - i.imp_p_HS6: importer-product fixed effects
    - robust SE is clustered by importer

    I do not include any fixed effects for exporter, because my data only has one exporter.

    If I exclude log_tariff variable, the coefficient of log_ntmA becomes significant (p<0.01). However, whenever I include log_tariff, the coefficient of log_ntmA becomes insignificant, though it does not flip sign.

    Can I exclude my log_tariff variable from the regression? Or what could I do to fix it?

    Please kindly help! Thank you very much!

    P/s: Joao Santos Silva I follow your answer on different threads on this gravity model topic, if you have some times, please kindly help me. Thank you!

  • #2
    Dear Thuy Dang,

    I am not sure if I understand what the problem is. It is natural that when you drop a variable the results for the others change, so there is nothing special about what you find. As for deciding whether to keep the log_tariff variable, that is up to you and depends on what your objective is. As an aside, I suggest you absorb the fixed effects; check the help file for examples.

    Best wishes,


