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  • layout() of putdocx table

    Dear Statalisters,

    I am getting an error regarding the option layout() of putdocx table. Have tried this in Stata versions 16.1 and 18.0 and getting the same error. Have looked through documentation and forums and not finding anything, hence this post.

    Here is a nice little working example for when one wants to output a publishable quality table of raw data that contains strings. In other words one cannot use a matrix for esttab or outreg or frmttable. I have marked where the error happens as a comment below the corresponding command.

    Thanks for looking and any input!

    sysuse auto, clear
    * change the label of foreign to a single letter
    label define foreign 0 D 1 F, modify
    label values foreign foreign
    * create a rank by best repair record and descending price
    gsort - rep78 price
    gen rank = _n
    sort rank
    order rank
    putdocx begin
    * add data to table
    putdocx table tbl = data(rank make rep78 price mpg foreign), varnames
    * set font and alignment for whole table
    putdocx table tbl(.,.), font("Times New Roman") border(all, nil) halign(center)
    *layout(autofitcontents) - not working
    * name columns
    putdocx table tbl(1,1) = ("Rank by Repair record and price"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
    putdocx table tbl(1,2) = ("Make"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
    putdocx table tbl(1,3) = ("Repair record"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
    putdocx table tbl(1,4) = ("Price"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
    putdocx table tbl(1,5) = ("MPG"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
    putdocx table tbl(1,6) = ("Domestic/Foreign"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
    * adjust formatting of columns as needed
    * integers
    foreach i in 1 3 5 6 {
    putdocx table tbl(.,`i'), nformat(%4.0f)
    * dollars
    loc i 4
    putdocx table tbl(.,`i'), nformat(%9.0fc)
    * add borders
    putdocx table tbl(1,.), border(top, thick) border(bottom, single) border(start, nil) border(end, nil)
    qui sum rank
    local last = `r(max)' + 1
    putdocx table tbl(`last',.), border(bottom, thick) border(start, nil) border(end, nil)
    * close and save
    putdocx save auto_repair_rank, replace
    Last edited by Maria Boutchkova; Yesterday, 04:54.

  • #2
    * add data to table
    putdocx table tbl = data(rank make rep78 price mpg foreign), varnames layout(autofitcontents)
    * set font and alignment for whole table
    putdocx table tbl(.,.), font("Times New Roman") border(all, nil) halign(center)
    Table options, like -layout()-, are specified only following some syntax formats. In this case, your first call to -putdocx- creating the table contents from your dataset. The second line, setting fonts and borders, apply styles to cells, so table options are not valid there because the focus is on cells not the table as a whole.


    • #3
      Thank you, Leonardo! This is indeed the case and I should have tried it but still glad I posted it here since there are not many posts on putdocx.

