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  • Mis-aligned lines/labels when specifying 2 X-axes on a twoway plot?

    I've been trying to overlay a couple lines (and their confidence intervals) on top of each other on the same plot using the twoway command. I have three waves of data on dementia probability and respondent death that I've reshaped into a long dataset to run cox models.

    The first line is for the linear prediction of hazard ratios from the cox model, while the other line is the non-linear predicted hazard ratios using restricted cubic splines. I would (ideally) also like to label the knots on the graph as well. However, I've found that whenever I try to add a second x-axis on to the top of the graph with the knot values, it seems to shift the lines/confidence intervals/labels ever so slightly. Essentially, the end result is that things are slightly mis-aligned on the graph which looks wonky. Has anyone encountered this before?

    I've included my code below (as well as a picture too) though unfortunately the full dataset doesn't fit...
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Mis-aligned plot.png
Views:	1
Size:	144.7 KB
ID:	1773733

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str70 prim_key byte Wave float(Death dementia_prob_simple time_since_baseline)
    "BBBNE" 1 0  .06534394 4.1724844
    "BBBNE" 2 0   .1509865  6.948665
    "BBBNE" 3 0   .1410623  7.942505
    "BBBTW" 1 0  .05781248  3.720739
    "BBBTW" 2 0 .065200105  6.537988
    "BBBTW" 3 0   .4451951  7.794661
    "BBCCY" 1 0  .05144565  3.548255
    "BBCCY" 2 0          .  6.401095
    "BBCCY" 3 0  .08231283  7.394935
    "BBCNO" 1 1  .05144565  .3477071
    "BBDXD" 1 1   .1861319  2.902122
    "BBEGB" 1 0  .18657447  3.600274
    "BBEGB" 2 1   .0765395 4.5338807
    "BBEGG" 1 0  .11616056  3.356605
    "BBEGG" 2 1 .024751397  4.054757
    "BBGGQ" 1 0  .29465842  3.430527
    "BBGGQ" 3 0   .0966789  7.526352
    "BBGMM" 1 1  .49544325 1.0239562
    "BBKZB" 1 0          .  3.488022
    "BBKZB" 2 0  .09272194  6.329911
    "BBKZB" 3 0  .19332263  7.430527
    "BBLHY" 1 0  .26920962  3.819302
    "BBLHY" 2 0   .0969391   6.68857
    "BBLHY" 3 0  .06505657  7.912389
    "BBMHM" 1 0  .08249108 3.6413414
    "BBMHM" 2 0  .08249108  6.494182
    "BBMHM" 3 0   .0766625  7.430527
    "BBNGG" 1 0  .48434275  4.276523
    "BBNGG" 2 0   .3607324  6.781656
    "BBNGG" 3 0  .04028451  7.509925
    "BBOZP" 1 0  .09272194  3.942505
    "BBOZP" 2 0  .09714066  6.861054
    "BBOZP" 3 0   .2009024  7.989048
    "BBPBZ" 1 0     .58996  3.542779
    "BBPBZ" 2 0   .2143845  6.584531
    "BBPBZ" 3 0  .09252381  7.531827
    "BBPGJ" 1 0   .4215171  3.526352
    "BBPGJ" 2 0 .035693496  6.433949
    "BBPGJ" 3 0    .453618  7.507187
    "BBQBT" 1 0  .18111786  3.967146
    "BBQBT" 2 1          .  6.184805
    "BBQMB" 1 0  .04019347 4.0109515
    "BBQMB" 2 0  .19396223  6.913073
    "BBQMB" 3 0  .12604809         8
    "BBSPW" 1 0  .09252381  3.523614
    "BBSPW" 2 0  .05133073  6.286106
    "BBSPW" 3 0  .07345817  7.531827
    "BBVJD" 1 0  .05121605 3.8439424
    "BBVJD" 2 0  .05794102  6.324435
    "BBVJD" 3 0  .04554057  7.600274
    "BBVOD" 1 0  .26022545  3.359343
    "BBVOD" 2 0  .07345817  6.351814
    "BBVOD" 3 0 .073618785  7.304586
    "BBXZT" 1 0   .2447587  3.980835
    "BBXZT" 2 0  .23076133  6.976044
    "BBXZT" 3 0  .05806671  7.906913
    "BBZFQ" 1 0     .35109  3.726215
    "BBZFQ" 2 0  .08605283  6.557153
    "BBZFQ" 3 0          .  7.548254
    "BCBFX" 1 0  .26886767  3.890486
    "BCBFX" 2 0   .4652211  6.704997
    "BCBFX" 3 0          .  7.739904
    "BCCOV" 1 0  .08266968  3.351129
    "BCCOV" 2 0  .04554057  6.652977
    "BCCOV" 3 0          .  7.394935
    "BCDCG" 1 0  .09252381  3.969884
    "BCDCG" 2 0          .  6.880219
    "BCDCG" 3 0          .  7.991786
    "BCDWD" 1 0  .02174053  3.778234
    "BCDWD" 2 0  .04028451   6.63655
    "BCDWD" 3 0          .  7.356605
    "BCEMZ" 1 0          .  3.756331
    "BCEMZ" 2 0          .  6.557153
    "BCEMZ" 3 0  .08249108  7.800137
    "BCEOD" 1 0  .08249108 3.5345654
    "BCEOD" 2 0  .04028451  6.406571
    "BCEOD" 3 0   .1512816  7.531827
    "BCEQF" 1 1          .  3.471595
    "BCGKO" 1 0          .  3.342916
    "BCGKO" 3 0  .04037575  7.438741
    "BCGPK" 1 0   .2359014 3.9890485
    "BCGPK" 2 0   .3322652  6.899384
    "BCGPK" 3 0   .1750519  7.972621
    "BCHQX" 1 0          .  3.373032
    "BCHQX" 2 0  .11324286  6.223135
    "BCHQX" 3 0  .05794102  7.214237
    "BCKLZ" 1 1  .14457992 2.9075975
    "BCKPB" 1 0    .167826 3.7727585
    "BCKPB" 2 0  .17446114  6.590007
    "BCKPB" 3 0   .2444374  7.816564
    "BCLCB" 1 0  .05133073  3.512663
    "BCLCB" 2 0  .07345817  6.376454
    "BCLCB" 3 0  .07345817   7.45243
    "BCLKX" 1 0    .167826 3.8631074
    "BCLKX" 2 0   .3322652  6.819986
    "BCLKX" 3 0  .05781248  7.947981
    "BCLOF" 1 1    .332128  2.800821
    "BCLZW" 1 0  .09252381  3.561944
    "BCLZW" 2 1   .2223685  5.470226
    "BCNOD" 1 0  .07345817  3.663244
    stset time_since_baseline, failure(Death == 1) id(prim_key)                    
    browse dementia_prob_simple
    sort dementia_prob_simple
    capture drop _rs_rcs_1 _rcs_1_* RCS_HR RCS_STD_ERROR RCS_lower RCS_upper
    // LINEAR HAZARD RATIOS                
    stcox dementia_prob_simple
    predict HR, hr
    predict STD_ERROR, stdp
    generate Lower = HR - (1.96*STD_ERROR)
    generate Upper = HR + (1.96*STD_ERROR)
    makespline rcs dementia_prob_simple, knots(4)
    matrix list r(knots)
    matrix Knots =  r(knots)
    stcox _rcs_1_*
    predict RCS_HR, hr
    predict RCS_STD_ERROR, stdp
    generate RCS_Lower = RCS_HR - (1.96*RCS_STD_ERROR)
    generate RCS_Upper = RCS_HR + (1.96*RCS_STD_ERROR)
    graph twoway rarea Lower Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(stred%50) lcolor(stred%0)                             /// 
            || line HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc2)                                                              ///
            || rarea RCS_Lower RCS_Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(ltblue%80) lcolor(ltblue%0)                     ///
            || line RCS_HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc1)                                                         ///
            || , legend(on position(4) ring(0) row(2) label(1 "95% CI") label(2 "Linear") label(3 "95% CI") label(4 "Restricted Cubic Splines; 4 Knots") order(2 1 4 3) size(small)) /// 
            ytitle("Hazard Ratio") title("Predicted Hazard Ratios")                                                  ///
            ylabel(1(1)8) xlabel(0 "0%" .2 "20%" .4 "40%" .6 "60%" .8 "80%")                                         ///
            xline(`=el(Knots,1,1)' `=el(Knots,1,2)' `=el(Knots,1,3)' `=el(Knots,1,4)') 
    // MIS-ALIGNED PLOT        
    graph twoway rarea Lower Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(stred%50) lcolor(stred%0)                             /// 
            || line HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc2) xaxis(1) xlabel(0 "0%" .2 "20%" .4 "40%" .6 "60%" .8 "80%", axis(1))         ///
            || rarea RCS_Lower RCS_Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(ltblue%80) lcolor(ltblue%0)                     ///
            || line RCS_HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc1) xaxis(2) xlabel(`=el(Knots,1,1)' "Knot 1" `=el(Knots,1,2)' "Knot 2" `=el(Knots,1,3)' "Knot 3" `=el(Knots,1,4)' "Knot 4", axis(2) angle(45)) ///
            || , legend(on position(4) ring(0) row(2) label(1 "95% CI") label(2 "Linear") label(3 "95% CI") label(4 "Restricted Cubic Splines; 4 Knots") order(2 1 4 3) size(small)) /// 
            ytitle("Hazard Ratio") title("Predicted Hazard Ratios")                                                  ///
            ylabel(1(1)8) xlabel(0 "0%" .2 "20%" .4 "40%" .6 "60%" .8 "80%")                                         ///
            xline(`=el(Knots,1,1)' `=el(Knots,1,2)' `=el(Knots,1,3)' `=el(Knots,1,4)')

  • #2
    Thanks for the reproducible example. Try specifying a range for the second x-axis, consistent with the first (see highlighted).

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str70 prim_key byte Wave float(Death dementia_prob_simple time_since_baseline)
    "BBBNE" 1 0  .06534394 4.1724844
    "BBBNE" 2 0   .1509865  6.948665
    "BBBNE" 3 0   .1410623  7.942505
    "BBBTW" 1 0  .05781248  3.720739
    "BBBTW" 2 0 .065200105  6.537988
    "BBBTW" 3 0   .4451951  7.794661
    "BBCCY" 1 0  .05144565  3.548255
    "BBCCY" 2 0          .  6.401095
    "BBCCY" 3 0  .08231283  7.394935
    "BBCNO" 1 1  .05144565  .3477071
    "BBDXD" 1 1   .1861319  2.902122
    "BBEGB" 1 0  .18657447  3.600274
    "BBEGB" 2 1   .0765395 4.5338807
    "BBEGG" 1 0  .11616056  3.356605
    "BBEGG" 2 1 .024751397  4.054757
    "BBGGQ" 1 0  .29465842  3.430527
    "BBGGQ" 3 0   .0966789  7.526352
    "BBGMM" 1 1  .49544325 1.0239562
    "BBKZB" 1 0          .  3.488022
    "BBKZB" 2 0  .09272194  6.329911
    "BBKZB" 3 0  .19332263  7.430527
    "BBLHY" 1 0  .26920962  3.819302
    "BBLHY" 2 0   .0969391   6.68857
    "BBLHY" 3 0  .06505657  7.912389
    "BBMHM" 1 0  .08249108 3.6413414
    "BBMHM" 2 0  .08249108  6.494182
    "BBMHM" 3 0   .0766625  7.430527
    "BBNGG" 1 0  .48434275  4.276523
    "BBNGG" 2 0   .3607324  6.781656
    "BBNGG" 3 0  .04028451  7.509925
    "BBOZP" 1 0  .09272194  3.942505
    "BBOZP" 2 0  .09714066  6.861054
    "BBOZP" 3 0   .2009024  7.989048
    "BBPBZ" 1 0     .58996  3.542779
    "BBPBZ" 2 0   .2143845  6.584531
    "BBPBZ" 3 0  .09252381  7.531827
    "BBPGJ" 1 0   .4215171  3.526352
    "BBPGJ" 2 0 .035693496  6.433949
    "BBPGJ" 3 0    .453618  7.507187
    "BBQBT" 1 0  .18111786  3.967146
    "BBQBT" 2 1          .  6.184805
    "BBQMB" 1 0  .04019347 4.0109515
    "BBQMB" 2 0  .19396223  6.913073
    "BBQMB" 3 0  .12604809         8
    "BBSPW" 1 0  .09252381  3.523614
    "BBSPW" 2 0  .05133073  6.286106
    "BBSPW" 3 0  .07345817  7.531827
    "BBVJD" 1 0  .05121605 3.8439424
    "BBVJD" 2 0  .05794102  6.324435
    "BBVJD" 3 0  .04554057  7.600274
    "BBVOD" 1 0  .26022545  3.359343
    "BBVOD" 2 0  .07345817  6.351814
    "BBVOD" 3 0 .073618785  7.304586
    "BBXZT" 1 0   .2447587  3.980835
    "BBXZT" 2 0  .23076133  6.976044
    "BBXZT" 3 0  .05806671  7.906913
    "BBZFQ" 1 0     .35109  3.726215
    "BBZFQ" 2 0  .08605283  6.557153
    "BBZFQ" 3 0          .  7.548254
    "BCBFX" 1 0  .26886767  3.890486
    "BCBFX" 2 0   .4652211  6.704997
    "BCBFX" 3 0          .  7.739904
    "BCCOV" 1 0  .08266968  3.351129
    "BCCOV" 2 0  .04554057  6.652977
    "BCCOV" 3 0          .  7.394935
    "BCDCG" 1 0  .09252381  3.969884
    "BCDCG" 2 0          .  6.880219
    "BCDCG" 3 0          .  7.991786
    "BCDWD" 1 0  .02174053  3.778234
    "BCDWD" 2 0  .04028451   6.63655
    "BCDWD" 3 0          .  7.356605
    "BCEMZ" 1 0          .  3.756331
    "BCEMZ" 2 0          .  6.557153
    "BCEMZ" 3 0  .08249108  7.800137
    "BCEOD" 1 0  .08249108 3.5345654
    "BCEOD" 2 0  .04028451  6.406571
    "BCEOD" 3 0   .1512816  7.531827
    "BCEQF" 1 1          .  3.471595
    "BCGKO" 1 0          .  3.342916
    "BCGKO" 3 0  .04037575  7.438741
    "BCGPK" 1 0   .2359014 3.9890485
    "BCGPK" 2 0   .3322652  6.899384
    "BCGPK" 3 0   .1750519  7.972621
    "BCHQX" 1 0          .  3.373032
    "BCHQX" 2 0  .11324286  6.223135
    "BCHQX" 3 0  .05794102  7.214237
    "BCKLZ" 1 1  .14457992 2.9075975
    "BCKPB" 1 0    .167826 3.7727585
    "BCKPB" 2 0  .17446114  6.590007
    "BCKPB" 3 0   .2444374  7.816564
    "BCLCB" 1 0  .05133073  3.512663
    "BCLCB" 2 0  .07345817  6.376454
    "BCLCB" 3 0  .07345817   7.45243
    "BCLKX" 1 0    .167826 3.8631074
    "BCLKX" 2 0   .3322652  6.819986
    "BCLKX" 3 0  .05781248  7.947981
    "BCLOF" 1 1    .332128  2.800821
    "BCLZW" 1 0  .09252381  3.561944
    "BCLZW" 2 1   .2223685  5.470226
    "BCNOD" 1 0  .07345817  3.663244
    stset time_since_baseline, failure(Death == 1) id(prim_key)                    
    browse dementia_prob_simple
    sort dementia_prob_simple
    capture drop _rs_rcs_1 _rcs_1_* RCS_HR RCS_STD_ERROR RCS_lower RCS_upper
    // LINEAR HAZARD RATIOS                
    stcox dementia_prob_simple
    predict HR, hr
    predict STD_ERROR, stdp
    generate Lower = HR - (1.96*STD_ERROR)
    generate Upper = HR + (1.96*STD_ERROR)
    makespline rcs dementia_prob_simple, knots(4)
    matrix list r(knots)
    matrix Knots =  r(knots)
    stcox _rcs_1_*
    predict RCS_HR, hr
    predict RCS_STD_ERROR, stdp
    generate RCS_Lower = RCS_HR - (1.96*RCS_STD_ERROR)
    generate RCS_Upper = RCS_HR + (1.96*RCS_STD_ERROR)
    graph twoway rarea Lower Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(stred%50) lcolor(stred%0)                             /// 
            || line HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc2)                                                              ///
            || rarea RCS_Lower RCS_Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(ltblue%80) lcolor(ltblue%0)                     ///
            || line RCS_HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc1)                                                         ///
            || , legend(on position(4) ring(0) row(2) label(1 "95% CI") label(2 "Linear") label(3 "95% CI") label(4 "Restricted Cubic Splines; 4 Knots") order(2 1 4 3) size(small)) /// 
            ytitle("Hazard Ratio") title("Predicted Hazard Ratios")                                                  ///
            ylabel(1(1)8) xlabel(0 "0%" .2 "20%" .4 "40%" .6 "60%" .8 "80%")                                         ///
            xline(`=el(Knots,1,1)' `=el(Knots,1,2)' `=el(Knots,1,3)' `=el(Knots,1,4)') 
    // MIS-ALIGNED PLOT        
    graph twoway rarea Lower Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(stred%50) lcolor(stred%0)                             /// 
            || line HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc2) xaxis(1) xlabel(0 "0%" .2 "20%" .4 "40%" .6 "60%" .8 "80%", axis(1))         ///
            || rarea RCS_Lower RCS_Upper dementia_prob_simple, fcolor(ltblue%80) lcolor(ltblue%0)                     ///
            || line RCS_HR dementia_prob_simple, lcolor(stc1) xaxis(2) xlabel(`=el(Knots,1,1)' "Knot 1" `=el(Knots,1,2)' "Knot 2" `=el(Knots,1,3)' "Knot 3" `=el(Knots,1,4)' "Knot 4", axis(2) angle(45)) ///
            || , xsc(r(0 .8) axis(2)) legend(on position(4) ring(0) row(2) label(1 "95% CI") label(2 "Linear") label(3 "95% CI") label(4 "Restricted Cubic Splines; 4 Knots") order(2 1 4 3) size(small)) /// 
            ytitle("Hazard Ratio") title("Predicted Hazard Ratios")                                                  ///
            ylabel(1(1)8) xlabel(0 "0%" .2 "20%" .4 "40%" .6 "60%" .8 "80%")                                         ///
            xline(`=el(Knots,1,1)' `=el(Knots,1,2)' `=el(Knots,1,3)' `=el(Knots,1,4)')
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	38.0 KB
ID:	1773742


    • #3
      Aha! It worked! Thanks so much for the quick fix Andrew!!

