Dear Stata Community,
I am using reldist written by Ben Jann -- thank you Ben for the very large amount of work you put into this.
Here is my question:
I am using version 17.0
I have made sure installed moremata and kdens are installed.
I am attempting to replicate the first example in the reldist help file:
. sysuse nlsw88, clear
(NLSW, 1988 extract)
. reldist pdf wage, by(union) adjust(shape scale) graph
variable pdf not found
I tried a similar example command (for a histogram) and the same error:
. reldist histogram wage, by(union) graph
variable histogram not found
I am really stuck trying to figure out what to try next.
Any suggestions welcome.
I am using reldist written by Ben Jann -- thank you Ben for the very large amount of work you put into this.
Here is my question:
I am using version 17.0
I have made sure installed moremata and kdens are installed.
I am attempting to replicate the first example in the reldist help file:
. sysuse nlsw88, clear
(NLSW, 1988 extract)
. reldist pdf wage, by(union) adjust(shape scale) graph
variable pdf not found
I tried a similar example command (for a histogram) and the same error:
. reldist histogram wage, by(union) graph
variable histogram not found
I am really stuck trying to figure out what to try next.
Any suggestions welcome.