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  • Results window in Linux

    Hi -- I have a lot of trouble navigating the -Results- window in XStata for Linux [Ubuntu]. Scrolling up / down is very sensitive to the mouse. I cannot find any way to use a "pageUP" or "pageDOWN" key stroke to just move window by window. Anyone experience this or find a work-around? The only solution I have come up with is to -Clear Results- before every *.do call. Thx! -- P

  • #2
    Pressing the Shift key while also pressing Page up/Page down cursor keys will scroll the Results window for the GUI on Unix/Linux.


    • #3
      I had no issues scrolling the Results window with a Microsoft wheel mouse on both Rocky Linux and Ubuntu. I also tried an Apple Magic Mouse that uses a touch scroll wheel and scrolling the Results window worked fine too.

      As Kevin mentioned, you can use the page up/down keys to scroll the Results window while the keyboard focus is in the Command window by pressing the shift key and the page up/down keys. You can also scroll a line at a time by pressing the shift key and the up/down cursor keys. This is true for Stata on all platforms.
      -Chinh Nguyen

