Hi all. I am running some two-way FE regressions using a panel of country-year observations. The baseline model is:
I use xttest0 and xtoverid on equivalent RE specifications to test for (1) pooled OLS versus random effects and (2) random versus fixed effects. Suppose I estimate a specification that includes a lagged dependent variable whilst using the fixed effects estimator:
My question is this: are xttest0 and xtoverid still appropriate, or does the presence of L.EPR make them nonsensical? For context, in all static models the tests strongly suggest using the FE estimator. However, when adding the lagged dependent variable, xttest0 gives me a p-value of 1.000. Correspondingly, xtoverid says 'saved RE estimates are degenerate (sigma_u=0) and equivalent to pooled OLS'.
Should I take these tests at face value, or for whatever reason does including a lagged dependent variable mean they generate implausible results? Or is it more likely that the tests indicate that Nickell bias is a problem? Apologies if these are strange or obvious questions, I'm quite new to dynamic panel models. Thank you!
(Note: I am aware of the risks involved in applying static estimators to dynamic models. However, my panel is large T, small N, and I'd hope FE is suitable. Regardless, GMM results in severe instrument proliferation).
xtreg EPR LK PAU CO i.year, fe cluster(country)
xtreg EPR L.EPR LK PAU CO i.year, fe cluster(country)
Should I take these tests at face value, or for whatever reason does including a lagged dependent variable mean they generate implausible results? Or is it more likely that the tests indicate that Nickell bias is a problem? Apologies if these are strange or obvious questions, I'm quite new to dynamic panel models. Thank you!
(Note: I am aware of the risks involved in applying static estimators to dynamic models. However, my panel is large T, small N, and I'd hope FE is suitable. Regardless, GMM results in severe instrument proliferation).