Hi, I am researching how conflict moderates the impact of remittances on inequality in Latin America. I ran a difference GMM and though I got the results I wanted, it did not pass the Sargan test and so now I am trying to run a system GMM but am not sure if my syntax is correct.
My difference GMM command was
xtabond Gini l.RemittancesGDP conflict_index remitlag_conflict_now GDPpercapitaconstant2010US Inflation GovernmentexpenditureofGDP NetODAreceivedofGNI TradeopennessTradeofGDP Unemploymentrate, lags(1) vce(robust) artests(2) nocons
but this failed the Sargan test:
chi2(76) = 152.1699
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
How would I run the system GMM? Currently this is my command but it is giving me very not statistically significant results which i would not expect
xtabond2 Ginipre l.Ginipre RemittancesGDP conflict_index remit_conflict_now GDPpercapitaconstant2010US Inflation GovernmentexpenditureofGDP NetODAreceivedofGNI TradeopennessTradeofGDP Unemploymentrate, gmm(l.Ginipre RemittancesGDP remit_conflict_now, lag (1 2) collapse) iv(l.conflict_index GDPpercapitaconstant2010US Inflation GovernmentexpenditureofGDP NetODAreceivedofGNI TradeopennessTradeofGDP Unemploymentrate) nocons twostep robust
Thank you for reading!
My difference GMM command was
xtabond Gini l.RemittancesGDP conflict_index remitlag_conflict_now GDPpercapitaconstant2010US Inflation GovernmentexpenditureofGDP NetODAreceivedofGNI TradeopennessTradeofGDP Unemploymentrate, lags(1) vce(robust) artests(2) nocons
but this failed the Sargan test:
chi2(76) = 152.1699
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
How would I run the system GMM? Currently this is my command but it is giving me very not statistically significant results which i would not expect
xtabond2 Ginipre l.Ginipre RemittancesGDP conflict_index remit_conflict_now GDPpercapitaconstant2010US Inflation GovernmentexpenditureofGDP NetODAreceivedofGNI TradeopennessTradeofGDP Unemploymentrate, gmm(l.Ginipre RemittancesGDP remit_conflict_now, lag (1 2) collapse) iv(l.conflict_index GDPpercapitaconstant2010US Inflation GovernmentexpenditureofGDP NetODAreceivedofGNI TradeopennessTradeofGDP Unemploymentrate) nocons twostep robust
Thank you for reading!