I didn't get any responses to my previous question so I will repost it, hopefully someone is kind enough to respond.
I am encountering an error when trying to compute robust standard errors for the arhomme command. Since arhomme does not support the svyset extension, I am attempting to manually replicate the survey design to obtain the correct standard errors and coefficients. However, when I bootstrap the coefficients, the standard errors and confidence intervals are empty.
I have attached the code and output below. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I am encountering an error when trying to compute robust standard errors for the arhomme command. Since arhomme does not support the svyset extension, I am attempting to manually replicate the survey design to obtain the correct standard errors and coefficients. However, when I bootstrap the coefficients, the standard errors and confidence intervals are empty.
I have attached the code and output below. Any assistance would be appreciated.
* Step 1: Save observed coefficients preserve quietly xi: arhomme log_avrg_cost i.inc_d i.endentulism i.race i.age_cat i.male i.education i.veteran i.mothered i.wealth i.smoke_now chronicdisease /// [pw=new_weight], select(r11dentst = dentalinsurance_w1 endentulism inc_d race age_cat male education veteran mothered wealth smoke_now chronicdisease) /// quantiles(0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90) taupoints(29) rhopoints(35) meshsize(0.5) frank nostderrors centergrid(-0.20) matrix beta = e(b) * Store sample size global N "`e(N)'" global Ns "`e(sN)'" restore * Step 2: Initialize bootstrap coefficient matrix set seed 12345 global boot_reps = 50 mat BOOTmatrix = J(1, 119, .) * Step 3: Run bootstrap preserve forvalues i = 1/$boot_reps { preserve // Save original dataset before resampling gsample [w=new_weight], strata(raestrat) cluster(raehsamp) quietly xi: arhomme log_avrg_cost i.inc_d i.endentulism i.race i.age_cat i.male i.education i.veteran i.mothered i.wealth i.smoke_now chronicdisease /// [pw=new_weight], select(r11dentst = dentalinsurance_w1 endentulism inc_d race age_cat male education veteran mothered wealth smoke_now chronicdisease) /// quantiles(0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90) taupoints(29) rhopoints(35) meshsize(0.5) frank nostderrors centergrid(-0.20) if `i' == 1 { matrix BOOTmatrix = e(b) // Initialize BOOTmatrix on first iteration } else { matrix BOOTmatrix = (BOOTmatrix \ e(b)) // Append results } restore // Restore original dataset } restore * Convert matrix to variables svmat BOOTmatrix * Step 4: Compute bootstrap statistics bootstrap r(mean), reps(100) seed(1234) nodrop: summarize BOOTmatrix*, detail (running summarize on estimation sample) Bootstrap replications (100): .........10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60.........70.........80.........90.........100 done Bootstrap results Number of obs = 12,711 Replications = 100 Command: summarize BOOTmatrix*, detail _bs_1: r(mean) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Observed Bootstrap Normal-based | coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _bs_1 | -5.915026 . . . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------