I am trying to run a difference—in—differences model that considers the impact of the reservation status of villages in India (for a specific ethnic group) on a party’s electoral performance at a higher level of aggregation (parliamentary constituency). I was wondering if I should do some sort of nested analysis for the DiD, and if so, how to implement that in STATA (I know how to do a nested analysis for a simple linear regression, but not sure with DiD…)
Thanks for letting me know!
I am trying to run a difference—in—differences model that considers the impact of the reservation status of villages in India (for a specific ethnic group) on a party’s electoral performance at a higher level of aggregation (parliamentary constituency). I was wondering if I should do some sort of nested analysis for the DiD, and if so, how to implement that in STATA (I know how to do a nested analysis for a simple linear regression, but not sure with DiD…)
Thanks for letting me know!