I have a sample of some municipalities that signed an investment contract in basic sanitation with a development bank. I want to see if the contract signature had any impact on the sewage coverage (0 to 1) of these cities. For that I'm using a dummy variable to capture the signature of the contract (0 prior to the signature and 1 from the year of the signature onward).
I noticed that there is a lot of heterogeneity on the impacts (large coefficient with large error). I interacted the contract dummy with some regional dummies and that helped quite a lot. But I noticed that the regions that have almost no impact of the contract are regions where the sewage coverage was already higher compared to others when the contract was signed. I mean, the impact of the contract on sewage coverage has a nonlinear relation with the dependent variable.
I tried dividing the sample in 4 (every 0.25), but the sample is already small and results were even worse.
Any other suggestions on how I can capture the decreasing effect of the contract dummy but using the whole sample?
I know that this is not the perfect analysis for policy impact, but I just want to have some rough insights on the data that is available.
I have a sample of some municipalities that signed an investment contract in basic sanitation with a development bank. I want to see if the contract signature had any impact on the sewage coverage (0 to 1) of these cities. For that I'm using a dummy variable to capture the signature of the contract (0 prior to the signature and 1 from the year of the signature onward).
I noticed that there is a lot of heterogeneity on the impacts (large coefficient with large error). I interacted the contract dummy with some regional dummies and that helped quite a lot. But I noticed that the regions that have almost no impact of the contract are regions where the sewage coverage was already higher compared to others when the contract was signed. I mean, the impact of the contract on sewage coverage has a nonlinear relation with the dependent variable.
I tried dividing the sample in 4 (every 0.25), but the sample is already small and results were even worse.
Any other suggestions on how I can capture the decreasing effect of the contract dummy but using the whole sample?
I know that this is not the perfect analysis for policy impact, but I just want to have some rough insights on the data that is available.