I am working with DHS data on implementing the Control Function approach following Prof Terza's guide. I use STATA 17.
Endogenous regressor: Women's Occupation
Instrument: Cluster Average of Women's Occupation
Outcome Variable: IPV
I am doing probit estimation, where most counterfactuals are categorical variables.
Number of observations: 9342
I followed Terza's code
- ran both stages, generated residuals, saved X and W matrices
The following step of matrix multiplication runs into conformability error (3200) in my context:
I checked for dimensions of the matrices and realised the mismatch:
I assume the dimensional mismatch between 23 and 83 is the issue. Is this because of the categorical variables involved in the estimation? - When I include categorical variables, the model will estimate one coefficient for each dummy variable. If I have many categorical variables with multiple categories, the total number of estimated coefficients will increase beyond the number of original variables in the matrix X.
How do I work around this and achieve coformability that ensures matrix multiplication? Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you
I am working with DHS data on implementing the Control Function approach following Prof Terza's guide. I use STATA 17.
Endogenous regressor: Women's Occupation
Instrument: Cluster Average of Women's Occupation
Outcome Variable: IPV
I am doing probit estimation, where most counterfactuals are categorical variables.
Number of observations: 9342
I followed Terza's code
HTML Code:
The following step of matrix multiplication runs into conformability error (3200) in my context:
/*step i*/ mata: gradbeta=exp(X*betahat):*X mata: gradalpha=-Bu:*normalden(X*betahat):*exp(W*alphahat):*W
I checked for dimensions of the matrices and realised the mismatch:
. display "Dimensions of X: " n_rows_X "x" n_cols_X Dimensions of X: 9342x23 . display "Dimensions of betahat: " n_rows_betahat "x" n_cols_betahat Dimensions of betahat: 83x1
How do I work around this and achieve coformability that ensures matrix multiplication? Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you