Dear Statalist,
I'm trying to run a continuously updating GMM estimator (CUE), after some digging I was pointing towards the community command xtdpdgmm. Regardless of how much I adjust my model by reducing the regressors I'm still getting the following error.
My dataset isn't large, which is why I'm using CUE
Thank you
I'm trying to run a continuously updating GMM estimator (CUE), after some digging I was pointing towards the community command xtdpdgmm. Regardless of how much I adjust my model by reducing the regressors I'm still getting the following error.
My dataset isn't large, which is why I'm using CUE
. xtdpdgmm FDI L.FDI GDPperCapita WUI, gmm(L.FDI, lag(2 4)) iv(GDPperCapita WUI) model(difference) cugmm Generalized method of moments estimation Fitting full model: Continously updating: initial values not feasible r(1400); .