I want to analyze the effect of certain factors on outcomes of children in foster care. My data is a child-year panel data set. I am currently modeling the outcome variable as a binary variable which is equal to 1 if the child leaves the system in that year and the outcome is good (e.g. adoption, reunification) and 0 if the child stays in the system OR leaves the system but with a bad outcome (e.g. runaway, aging out). I have an endogeneous predictor, so I am trying to use IV and various fixed effects. This makes using multinomial logit and ordered logit/probit difficult, so I am currently using a linear probability model, but I understand categorizing the outcomes into only two categories where 0 represents both staying in the system or leaving the system with a bad outcome may not be ideal. I am wondering if there is any way around this, or is this method okay to use?
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