Hello all,
I would like to generate two figures side-by-side (as below screenshot) which is divided by industrycode (byte, labeled by ind_label).
Within each figure, I would like to overlay input_var by each firm size classes ("sizeclass", byte, labeled by sizeclasslabel).
I apologize for complexity, but I could not show the data sample due to confidentiality issue and also there are restored in other laptop.
I am unsure if my question was clear, but figure that I would like to generate looks like the below screenshot (detailed variables are different though).
I tried using xtline input_var, overlay t(year) i(sizeclass) etc but I couldn't get what I wanted.
Could someone pleeeaaseee help me?
Thank you very much in advance.

I would like to generate two figures side-by-side (as below screenshot) which is divided by industrycode (byte, labeled by ind_label).
Within each figure, I would like to overlay input_var by each firm size classes ("sizeclass", byte, labeled by sizeclasslabel).
I apologize for complexity, but I could not show the data sample due to confidentiality issue and also there are restored in other laptop.
I am unsure if my question was clear, but figure that I would like to generate looks like the below screenshot (detailed variables are different though).
I tried using xtline input_var, overlay t(year) i(sizeclass) etc but I couldn't get what I wanted.
Could someone pleeeaaseee help me?
Thank you very much in advance.