I am trying to generate a bar graph in which the 15th bar is black and all the other bars grey. Unfortunately, all the bars are grey with the code below.

I know that I could achieve what I want with asyvars. Unfortunately, asyvars makes all the labels into a legend, which does not work for me.
Do you know how to either change the color of a single bar without asyvars, or use asyvars keeping the labels instead of a legend?
Thank you!
I am trying to generate a bar graph in which the 15th bar is black and all the other bars grey. Unfortunately, all the bars are grey with the code below.
graph hbar (mean) yvar if xvar != 15 & xvar != 16 [aw=phrf], title("TITLE") /// over(xvar, gap(50) relabel(1 "label1" 2 "label2" 3 "label3" 4 "label4" 5 "label5" 6 "label6" 7 "label7" 8 "label8" 9 "label9" 10 "label10" 11 "label11" 12 "label12" 13 "label13" 14 "label14" 15 "label15") label(labsize(vsmall)) sort(1) descending) /// ytitle(% agreement, margin(medium) size(small)) legend(off) /// ylabel(0 0.2 "20" 0.4 "40" 0.6 "60" 0.8 "80" 1.0 "100", labsize(vsmall)) /// bar(1, color(gs7)) bar(2, color(gs7)) bar(3, color(gs7)) /// bar(4, color(gs7)) bar(5, color(gs7)) bar(6, color(gs7)) /// bar(7, color(gs7)) bar(8, color(gs7)) bar(9, color(gs7)) /// bar(10, color(gs7)) bar(11, color(gs7)) bar(12, color(gs7)) /// bar(13, color(gs7)) bar(14, color(gs7)) bar(15, color(black)) /// graphregion(color(white)) /// note("...", /// size(vsmall) span margin(0 0 0 8))
I know that I could achieve what I want with asyvars. Unfortunately, asyvars makes all the labels into a legend, which does not work for me.
Do you know how to either change the color of a single bar without asyvars, or use asyvars keeping the labels instead of a legend?
Thank you!