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  • Changing bar colors in bar graph

    I am trying to generate a bar graph in which the 15th bar is black and all the other bars grey. Unfortunately, all the bars are grey with the code below.

    graph hbar (mean) yvar if xvar != 15 & xvar != 16 [aw=phrf], title("TITLE") ///
    over(xvar, gap(50) relabel(1 "label1" 2 "label2" 3 "label3" 4 "label4" 5 "label5" 6 "label6" 7 "label7" 8 "label8" 9 "label9" 10 "label10" 11 "label11" 12 "label12" 13 "label13" 14 "label14" 15 "label15") label(labsize(vsmall)) sort(1) descending) ///
    ytitle(% agreement, margin(medium) size(small)) legend(off) ///
    ylabel(0 0.2 "20" 0.4 "40" 0.6 "60" 0.8 "80" 1.0 "100", labsize(vsmall)) ///
    bar(1, color(gs7)) bar(2, color(gs7)) bar(3, color(gs7)) ///
    bar(4, color(gs7)) bar(5, color(gs7)) bar(6, color(gs7)) ///
    bar(7, color(gs7)) bar(8, color(gs7)) bar(9, color(gs7)) ///
    bar(10, color(gs7)) bar(11, color(gs7)) bar(12, color(gs7)) ///
    bar(13, color(gs7)) bar(14, color(gs7)) bar(15, color(black)) ///    
    graphregion(color(white)) ///
        note("...", ///
                    size(vsmall) span margin(0 0 0 8))
    Click image for larger version

Name:	bar graph.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	46.1 KB
ID:	1772959

    I know that I could achieve what I want with asyvars. Unfortunately, asyvars makes all the labels into a legend, which does not work for me.
    Do you know how to either change the color of a single bar without asyvars, or use asyvars keeping the labels instead of a legend?
    Thank you!

  • #2
    This need was discussed in

    SJ-11-3 gr0049  . . . . . . . . . .  Stata tip 102: Highlighting specific bars
            . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N. J. Cox
            Q3/11   SJ 11(3):474--477
            tip on highlighting a subset of observations in a bar or
            dot chart
    which (together with other hits) would have been found in Stata by

    search bar, sj 
    I need data to show you in detail, so here is a mock-up of something similar:

    set obs 15 
    set seed 314159
    gen whatever = runiform(74, 92)
    label var whatever "% of agreement"
    gen label = "label" + strofreal(_n)
    graph hbar (asis) whatever, over(label, sort(1) descending) ysc(alt) name(G1, replace)
    separate whatever, by(label == "label15")
    graph hbar (asis) whatever?, nofill over(label, sort(whatever) descending) /// 
    legend(off) ytitle("`: var label whatever'") ysc(alt) name(G2, replace)

    Only the second graph is needed here.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	twocolours.png
Views:	1
Size:	42.1 KB
ID:	1772966


    1. Leave out the (asis) if you do need the default case of means.

    2. Change colours to suit.

    3. Putting the y axis stuff at the top is just a matter of taste, but for more discussion see

    4. If #1 are real data, then in my view you would be much better off with a dot chart. I suspect the real research issue is comparing values with each other, not with zero.


    • #3
      Thank you very much for the suggestion and the further reading!

