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  • Generating a new variable: the share of female candidates per political party per election year

    Dear Stata Forum Users,
    I have what will be a basic question for advanced Stata users, for which I apologize.
    If anyone could help with the correct syntax, I would be very grateful.
    I am trying to create a variable that represents the share of female candidates per political party per election year.
    The coding is as follows:
    sex 0,1 (0=male, 1=female);
    seito_r 1-53 (nominal variable coded 1 - 53 each category is a political party)
    year is labeled 1996-2024 for each election year, coded 1-10 (10 elections during this time period)
    I am using Stata/SE 18.0
    Best regards,

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input byte sex int year long seito_r
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    1 1996 10
    1 1996 24
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    0 1996 10
    1 1996 48
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    1 1996 10
    1 1996 13
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    1 1996 10
    0 1996 35
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 35
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 10
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    1 1996 10
    0 1996 13
    1 1996 24
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 22

  • #2
    You can exploit the fact that the mean of a 0/1 variable is a proportion.

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input byte sex int year long seito_r
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    1 1996 10
    1 1996 24
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    0 1996 10
    1 1996 48
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    1 1996 10
    1 1996 13
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    1 1996 10
    0 1996 35
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 35
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 10
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 13
    0 1996 24
    0 1996 30
    0 1996 46
    0 1996 35
    1 1996 10
    0 1996 13
    1 1996 24
    0 1996 38
    0 1996 22
    assert inlist(sex, 0, 1)
    bys seito_r year: egen wanted= mean(sex)

    .  l, sepby(seito_r year)
         | sex   year   seito_r     wanted |
      1. |   1   1996        10   .6666667 |
      2. |   0   1996        10   .6666667 |
      3. |   1   1996        10   .6666667 |
      4. |   1   1996        10   .6666667 |
      5. |   1   1996        10   .6666667 |
      6. |   0   1996        10   .6666667 |
      7. |   0   1996        13   .1666667 |
      8. |   0   1996        13   .1666667 |
      9. |   0   1996        13   .1666667 |
     10. |   0   1996        13   .1666667 |
     11. |   0   1996        13   .1666667 |
     12. |   1   1996        13   .1666667 |
     13. |   0   1996        22          0 |
     14. |   0   1996        24   .3333333 |
     15. |   0   1996        24   .3333333 |
     16. |   1   1996        24   .3333333 |
     17. |   1   1996        24   .3333333 |
     18. |   0   1996        24   .3333333 |
     19. |   0   1996        24   .3333333 |
     20. |   0   1996        30          0 |
     21. |   0   1996        30          0 |
     22. |   0   1996        30          0 |
     23. |   0   1996        30          0 |
     24. |   0   1996        30          0 |
     25. |   0   1996        30          0 |
     26. |   0   1996        35          0 |
     27. |   0   1996        35          0 |
     28. |   0   1996        35          0 |
     29. |   0   1996        35          0 |
     30. |   0   1996        35          0 |
     31. |   0   1996        35          0 |
     32. |   0   1996        38          0 |
     33. |   0   1996        38          0 |
     34. |   0   1996        38          0 |
     35. |   0   1996        38          0 |
     36. |   0   1996        38          0 |
     37. |   0   1996        46          0 |
     38. |   0   1996        46          0 |
     39. |   0   1996        46          0 |
     40. |   0   1996        46          0 |
     41. |   0   1996        46          0 |
     42. |   0   1996        46          0 |
     43. |   1   1996        48          1 |
    Last edited by Andrew Musau; 18 Feb 2025, 00:49.


    • #3
      a basic question for advanced Stata users, for which I apologize
      No need to apologise. The trick here should seem clear once pointed out, but that's the nature of every little trick. is perhaps more of the same kind of thing.


      • #4
        A huge and heartfelt thank you. You might be astonished to find how much time I spent trying to figure this out.
        Thank you for the link. I will take a look now.
        I really appreciate your time and expertise.

