Dear Stata Forum Users,
I have what will be a basic question for advanced Stata users, for which I apologize.
If anyone could help with the correct syntax, I would be very grateful.
I am trying to create a variable that represents the share of female candidates per political party per election year.
The coding is as follows:
sex 0,1 (0=male, 1=female);
seito_r 1-53 (nominal variable coded 1 - 53 each category is a political party)
year is labeled 1996-2024 for each election year, coded 1-10 (10 elections during this time period)
I am using Stata/SE 18.0
Best regards,
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input byte sex int year long seito_r
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
1 1996 10
1 1996 24
0 1996 13
0 1996 38
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
0 1996 10
1 1996 48
0 1996 24
0 1996 38
0 1996 13
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
1 1996 10
1 1996 13
0 1996 24
0 1996 38
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
1 1996 10
0 1996 35
0 1996 13
0 1996 24
0 1996 35
0 1996 46
0 1996 30
0 1996 10
0 1996 38
0 1996 13
0 1996 24
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
1 1996 10
0 1996 13
1 1996 24
0 1996 38
0 1996 22
I have what will be a basic question for advanced Stata users, for which I apologize.
If anyone could help with the correct syntax, I would be very grateful.
I am trying to create a variable that represents the share of female candidates per political party per election year.
The coding is as follows:
sex 0,1 (0=male, 1=female);
seito_r 1-53 (nominal variable coded 1 - 53 each category is a political party)
year is labeled 1996-2024 for each election year, coded 1-10 (10 elections during this time period)
I am using Stata/SE 18.0
Best regards,
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input byte sex int year long seito_r
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
1 1996 10
1 1996 24
0 1996 13
0 1996 38
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
0 1996 10
1 1996 48
0 1996 24
0 1996 38
0 1996 13
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
1 1996 10
1 1996 13
0 1996 24
0 1996 38
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
1 1996 10
0 1996 35
0 1996 13
0 1996 24
0 1996 35
0 1996 46
0 1996 30
0 1996 10
0 1996 38
0 1996 13
0 1996 24
0 1996 30
0 1996 46
0 1996 35
1 1996 10
0 1996 13
1 1996 24
0 1996 38
0 1996 22