Hi, im struggling to create graph that shows two variables side by side, over third one, but with additional label that would show additional information (like name of a country), for example like below with additional "make" variable above each group of the bar, like "Toyota etc". In my case there is only one make by weight values. Also is there a way to remove "mean of" in legend of the graph?
I could make like this in twoway but i do not like the sparsity and overlapping since weight there is not a category but just a value...
sysuse auto.dta, clear sort foreign weight graph bar mpg trunk if foreign==1, over(weight, lab(angle(45)))
cap drop weight_ gen weight_ = weight - 10 twoway bar mpg weight_ if foreign==1 , barw(10) legend(pos(6)) || bar trunk weight if foreign==1, barw(10) base(0) || scatter mpg weight if foreign==1, mla(make) mlabpos(12) mlabcolor(black) ms(none)