I'm reposting this question because I never got any response
Hello, I am trying to manually implement the survey design to compute standard errors using the -arhomme- command since svyset is not compatible with it. I am using bsample with the options strata(raestrat) cluster(raehsamp) weight(new_weight), but when I include the weight() option, I receive the error: "estimates post: matrix has missing values." Any advice on how to properly implement the weights would be greatly appreciated. My code is listed below.
Hello, I am trying to manually implement the survey design to compute standard errors using the -arhomme- command since svyset is not compatible with it. I am using bsample with the options strata(raestrat) cluster(raehsamp) weight(new_weight), but when I include the weight() option, I receive the error: "estimates post: matrix has missing values." Any advice on how to properly implement the weights would be greatly appreciated. My code is listed below.
****bootstrap survey design SE***** *Step 1, save observed coefficients**** preserve quietly xi: arhomme log_avrg_cost i.inc_d i.endentulism i.race i.age_cat i.male i.education i.veteran i.mothered i.wealth i.smoke_now chronicdisease[pw=new_weight], select(r11dentst = dentalinsurance_w1 endentulism inc_d race age_cat male education veteran mothered wealth smoke_now chronicdisease) quantiles(0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90) taupoints(29) rhopoints(35) meshsize(0.5) frank nostderrors centergrid(-0.20) matrix beta = e(b) global N "e(N)'" global Ns "e(sN)'" restore ** step 2 generate program for bootstrap**** capture program drop arhomme_bootstrap program arhomme_bootstrap, eclass preserve bsample, strata(raestrat) cluster(raehsamp) weight(new_weight) quietly xi: arhomme log_avrg_cost i.inc_d i.endentulism i.race i.age_cat i.male i.education i.veteran i.mothered i.wealth i.smoke_now chronicdisease[pw=new_weight], select(r11dentst = dentalinsurance_w1 endentulism inc_d race age_cat male education veteran mothered wealth smoke_now chronicdisease) quantiles(0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90) taupoints(29) rhopoints(35) meshsize(0.5) frank nostderrors centergrid(-0.20) matrix beta_boot = e(b) forvalue i = 1/119 { ereturn scalar beta_boot_i' =beta_boot[1, i'] } restore end estimates post: matrix has missing values r(504);