Hello I am running a two step GMM model using the xtdpdgmm command.
To examine the validity of my model I am using `estat overid` but I am a bit confise. I get two results one suggesting that my model passes the overidentification test, the other suggesting that I do not.
. estat overid
Sargan-Hansen test of the overidentifying restrictions
H0: overidentifying restrictions are valid
2-step moment functions, 2-step weighting matrix chi2(49) = 45.5558
Prob > chi2 = 0.6136
2-step moment functions, 3-step weighting matrix chi2(49) = 80.6907
Prob > chi2 = 0.0029
What is the difference between these two tests? and which one should I trust?
Sebastian Kripfganz
thanks a lot in advance for your help
To examine the validity of my model I am using `estat overid` but I am a bit confise. I get two results one suggesting that my model passes the overidentification test, the other suggesting that I do not.
. estat overid
Sargan-Hansen test of the overidentifying restrictions
H0: overidentifying restrictions are valid
2-step moment functions, 2-step weighting matrix chi2(49) = 45.5558
Prob > chi2 = 0.6136
2-step moment functions, 3-step weighting matrix chi2(49) = 80.6907
Prob > chi2 = 0.0029
What is the difference between these two tests? and which one should I trust?
Sebastian Kripfganz
thanks a lot in advance for your help