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  • Selecting the optimal order of lags in ARDL model

    Hi everyone,

    I'm working with panel of 105 countries and with T=49. My objective is to implement a CS-ARDL model, as cross-sectional correlation is a concern in my analysis.

    To address this, I set the number of cross-sectional averages for the dependent and independent variables to 4, based on the floor of of T1/3.

    To select the optimal number of lags for the autoregressive and distributed lag parts, I would appreciate your guidance on the best strategy.

    My variables are: 1) Growth rate of GDP per capita, 2) log ( total investments / GDP) , 3) log ( fiscal variable as a ratio ) .

    I conducted the CIPS test, which suggests:
    1)the growth rate of GDP is I(0),
    2) total investments is trend stationary,
    3) the fiscal variable is I(1).

    I considered using the ardl command to select the optimal order of lags using the BIC criterion. Specifically, I implemented the following loop:

    forval i = 1/105 {
    quietly ardl y x1 x2 if (id==`i'), maxlag(3 3 3)
    matrix `results'[`i',1] = `i'
    matrix `results'[`i',2] = e(lags)[1,1]
    matrix `results'[`i',3] = e(lags)[1,2]
    matrix `results'[`i',4] = e(lags)[1,3]

    The test results suggest:
    1) For most GDP growth series: 1 or 2 lags.
    2) For the other two variables: I have a bunch of 0 lags

    When I take the average of the suggested lag orders:
    1) GDP growth:1,3,
    2) Total investments / GDP:0.4
    3) Fiscal variable: 0.56.

    Would it be appropriate to use an ARDL (2, 1, 1) specification based on these averages? Alternatively, is there a more robust or preferable approach for determining the lag structure in this context?
    Thank you in advance for your time
    Last edited by Frank Giaquinto; Today, 15:58.