I am analysing a sample of children to examine the effect of breastfeeding (bf) on mental health (mh). The sample includes both children with no siblings (only children) and those with siblings. The variable "sib" identifies individuals as part of sibling groups, which may consist of children with one, two, or more siblings, or just one child in cases where they have no siblings. I believe I am employing a Sibling Fixed Effects Model for this analysis in the following form:
xtset sib
xtreg mh bf, vce(robust) fe
However, I am uncertain about whether to include children with no siblings in the sample or not.
When I exclude children with no siblings, breastfeeding is no longer significant, possibly due to the reduced sample size, although I am unsure if other factors are at play?
Would it be valid to use a Sibling Fixed Effects Model while retaining children with no siblings in the sample?
Any guidance on this issue would be greatly appreciated!
xtset sib
xtreg mh bf, vce(robust) fe
However, I am uncertain about whether to include children with no siblings in the sample or not.
When I exclude children with no siblings, breastfeeding is no longer significant, possibly due to the reduced sample size, although I am unsure if other factors are at play?
Would it be valid to use a Sibling Fixed Effects Model while retaining children with no siblings in the sample?
Any guidance on this issue would be greatly appreciated!