Dear listers,
for an empirical analysis I need to compute year-on-year growth rates.
I have tried
CODE]gen growth_percent = 100*D.vol/L.vol [/CODE], g
, and
As some of these measures, in particular the percentage-based one, retain very big outliers, I have also tried to winsorize or trim at different percentiles.
While luckily direction and significance of the resulting regressions are very robust, point estimate sizes are not and I am unsure which formula and winsorization are the most appropriate ones a priori or which criteria I should use to choose.
Any guidance on this would be much appreciated!
Thank you, PM
for an empirical analysis I need to compute year-on-year growth rates.
I have tried
CODE]gen growth_percent = 100*D.vol/L.vol [/CODE], g
growth_sym = 100*D.vol/(0.5*L.vol+0.5*vol)
gen growth_ld = 100*D.ln_vol
While luckily direction and significance of the resulting regressions are very robust, point estimate sizes are not and I am unsure which formula and winsorization are the most appropriate ones a priori or which criteria I should use to choose.
Any guidance on this would be much appreciated!
Thank you, PM