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  • #16
    Your question just seems to call for the same kind of technique as already explained with the addition of

    if Exercice_IS_Anneé == 2022 FYI, wanna is American slang and not orthodox spelling. Everyone else should want to say "want to".


    • #17
      Nick Cox Hello;

      I do understand that, yet, I've tried to take Clyde's code and just replace the "total_firms" variable with the other variables I want to study as mentionned in my last post, but that command, for some reason, didn't work, so I guess I had to post the question to see if I could get some help.

      I do understand that, sometimes, I use the American slang, I'm sorry, I just can't stop with that habit, I'll try my best to not to use it at all.

      Again, thanks for the interest in my question.


      • #18
        On the slang: my comment is just a suggestion. Many people here might disagree.

        Much more important: #17 does not help us -- or you. A command you don't show us doesn't work. I believe you, but you need to show us a data example, the code you tried, and what "doesn't work". You have had this advice many times, and sometimes follow it.


        • #19
          Unless I'm missing something, the questions posed in #15 are the same ones asked in #1, just with different variables to add up. The same approaches that worked for the original questions will work here, just by substituting the name of a new variable for the old one.

