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  • Help with interpreting stpm3 output

    I have used stpm3 to make a flexible survival model and would like to know if there's a natural way to interpret the HR for those terms with accompanying tvc's (I understand that the usual way to present results when splines are involved is to plot the results)

    For example, for the output below, does the HR of .333409 for live birth (which also has a tvc specified) indicate the HR at the start of observation? Can the commensurate tvc value be used to calculate the HR for live birth at other times?

    Just trying to get a handle on this. I have made a plot of how the HR for live birth varies over time but I suspect reviewers will want to know how to interpret the accompanying regression output.


    . stpm3 i.live_birth2 c.age_start##c.disease_years c.base_EDSS i.High_eff_DMT c.ARR i.sym_period
    > untry, scale(lncumhazard) tvc(i.live_birth2 c.age_start c.base_EDSS c.ARR) dftvc(1) df(1) eform 
    Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -1497.1973  
    Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -1459.1511  
    Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -1455.1277  
    Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -1455.1259  
    Iteration 4:  Log likelihood = -1455.1259  
                                                            Number of obs =  9,646
                                                            Wald chi2(12) = 244.43
    Log likelihood = -1455.1259                             Prob > chi2   = 0.0000
                                |     exp(b)   Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
    xb                          |
                  1.live_birth2 |    .333409   .1316618    -2.78   0.005     .1537593    .7229583
                      age_start |   1.038147   .0160587     2.42   0.016     1.007145    1.070103
                  disease_years |    1.24285   .0647789     4.17   0.000     1.122156    1.376526
    c.age_start#c.disease_years |   .9942693   .0013643    -4.19   0.000      .991599    .9969468
                      base_EDSS |   4.940149    .904781     8.72   0.000     3.450196    7.073533
                 1.High_eff_DMT |   .8193135   .1327575    -1.23   0.219     .5963835    1.125575
                            ARR |     .71923   .0375318    -6.32   0.000     .6493059    .7966844
                     sym_period |
                   1995 - 2004  |   1.052205    .159497     0.34   0.737      .781758    1.416213
                   2005 - 2009  |   .7154194   .1411554    -1.70   0.090     .4859761     1.05319
                        ≥ 2010  |   .4522372   .1079951    -3.32   0.001      .283203    .7221622
                        country |
                            CZ  |   1.288201   .1411014     2.31   0.021     1.039318    1.596683
                            KW  |   .6773885   .2370614    -1.11   0.266     .3411522    1.345016
    time                        |
                           _ns1 |   1.318926   .2663271     4.95   0.000     .7969347    1.840918
         live_birth2#c._ns_tvc1 |
                             1  |   .3429797   .1563769     2.19   0.028     .0364865    .6494729
         c.age_start#c._ns_tvc1 |  -.0004062   .0058406    -0.07   0.945    -.0118535    .0110411
         c.base_EDSS#c._ns_tvc1 |  -.2662749   .0730666    -3.64   0.000    -.4094829    -.123067
               c.ARR#c._ns_tvc1 |   .1144284   .0193021     5.93   0.000      .076597    .1522597
                          _cons |  -6.755101   .7284361    -9.27   0.000    -8.182809   -5.327393