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  • No Observations and missing intervals using stptime

    Hi, first time poster, long-term reader. I hope this post meets the standards of the community.

    I have single-entry time to event data and am trying to calculate SMRs at various intervals. Per the documentation, my strategy has been use stset and then using stptime with the smr() option. I’ve encountered several issues. (1)The first is that certain intervals entered using the required at() option return errors, but those same interval works as expected without the option. (2) When I use an interval that does not return an error using the smr() and at() options, the output does not include intervals that involve t 0. Likewise, these same intervals do return the expected output when not using the smr() option. I could calculate these using first principles, but I would strongly prefer not to. Thanks in advance, statalist! Examples below.

    Below is the dataex for the master data
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input double person_id float(xdate edate death age)
    141519 23011 22800 0 3
     81012 23011 22930 0 2
    288182 23011 22490 0 3
     26532 23011 22879 0 4
    175078 23011 22530 0 1
     86634 23011 22773 0 1
    162747 23011 22086 0 3
      9806 23011 22514 0 3
    263603 23011 22718 0 2
    126191 23011 22216 0 3
    273175 23011 22642 0 3
    104381 23011 22889 0 3
    250159 23011 22451 0 3
    126515 23011 22635 0 2
    120638 23011 22651 0 2
    193221 23011 22523 0 3
    169955 23011 22755 0 3
      4607 23011 22890 0 3
    113375 23011 22815 0 1
    177779 23011 22594 0 3
    190823 22769 22295 1 2
      3985 22821 22707 1 4
    134368 22946 22937 1 1
    132360 22866 22799 1 4
    103874 22605 22019 1 4
    281683 22987 22848 1 3
    108042 22578 22091 1 4
    167960 22933 22876 1 5
    275741 22909 22117 1 3
    172929 22674 22617 1 2
    275467 22625 22172 1 4
    120755 22182 22134 1 2
    232857 22921 22565 1 3
    231021 22376 22120 1 5
    282788 22623 22396 1 5
     89902 22661 22537 1 4
    252220 22655 22516 1 1
    174545 22965 22439 1 2
    149541 22900 22873 1 3
    153484 22265 22163 1 5
    format %td edate
    label values death lbl_deaht
    label def lbl_deaht 0 "Not Dead", modify
    label def lbl_deaht 1 "Dead", modify
    label values age AGE_SHORT
    label def AGE_SHORT 1 "18-24", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 2 "25-34", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 3 "35-44", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 4 "45-54", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 5 "55-84", modify

    Below is the dataex for the using data
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float age long gender str8 race float(D N rate)
    1 1 "all"   4232  5398760 .0007838837
    2 1 "all"  10722  8445804  .001269506
    3 1 "all"  15305  7501596 .0020402325
    4 1 "all"  28033  7328830  .003825031
    5 1 "all" 254931 13886634  .018358013
    label values age AGE_SHORT
    label def AGE_SHORT 1 "18-24", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 2 "25-34", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 3 "35-44", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 4 "45-54", modify
    label def AGE_SHORT 5 "55-84", modify
    label values gender gender2
    label def gender2 1 "all", modify

     *** ISSUE #1 ***
    . stset xdate, failure(death = 1) origin(edate) exit(time edate + 365.25) id(person_id)
                    id:  person_id
         failure event:  death == 1
    obs. time interval:  (xdate[_n-1], xdate]
     exit on or before:  time edate + 365.25
        t for analysis:  (time-origin)
                origin:  time edate
             40  total observations
              0  exclusions
             40  observations remaining, representing
             40  subjects
             14  failures in single-failure-per-subject data
          9,576  total analysis time at risk and under observation
                                                    at risk from t =         0
                                         earliest observed entry t =         0
                                              last observed exit t =    365.25
    r; t=0.02 11:40:16
    . stptime, at(0(7)14) trim
             failure _d:  death == 1
       analysis time _t:  (xdate-origin)
                 origin:  time edate
      exit on or before:  time edate + 365.25
                     id:  person_id
                   note:  _group>14 trimmed
    Cohort     |  person-time   failures        rate   [95% Conf. Interval]
    (0   -   7]|          280          0           0          .           .
    (7   -  14]|          275          1   .00363636   .0005122    .0258148
         total |          555          1    .0018018   .0002538    .0127911
    r; t=0.06 11:40:16
    . stptime,smr(age rate) using("working\sample_std_pop_test.dta") per(1) at(0(7)14) trim
    no observations merged, at() option not specified or incorrectly specified
    r(2000); t=0.02 11:40:16
    . *** ISSUE #2 ***
    . stptime,smr(age rate) using("working\sample_std_pop_test.dta") per(1) at(0(5)14) trim
             failure _d:  death == 1
       analysis time _t:  (xdate-origin)
                 origin:  time edate
      exit on or before:  time edate + 365.25
                     id:  person_id
                   note:  _group>10 trimmed
               |                observed  expected
    Cohort     |  person-time   failures  failures       SMR   [95% Conf. Interval]
    (5   -  10]|          199          1   3.65324    .27373   .0385585    1.943224
         total |          199          1   3.65324    .27373   .0385585    1.943224
    r; t=0.11 11:40:54
    . stptime, at(0(5)14) trim
             failure _d:  death == 1
       analysis time _t:  (xdate-origin)
                 origin:  time edate
      exit on or before:  time edate + 365.25
                     id:  person_id
                   note:  _group>10 trimmed
    Cohort     |  person-time   failures        rate   [95% Conf. Interval]
    (0   -   5]|          200          0           0          .           .
    (5   -  10]|          199          1   .00502513   .0007079    .0356737
         total |          399          1   .00250627    .000353    .0177922
    r; t=0.05 11:40:54
    end of do-file

  • #2
    Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm using Stata v15 in a Windows Server 2022 environment.

