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  • Testing differences between 2 timepoints in the same variable

    Hello everyone!
    (This is my first post here, so if I'm doing something wrong, please forgive me - feel fee to correct me)

    I'm tryinbg to finish a long delayed Sistematic Review on pain and disability over time.
    I have a small dataset consisting of some continuous variables (i.e. pain and disability index) collected across multiple timepoints extracted from some papers included in my search.

    I would like to compare the same variable between 2 timepoints (e.g. pain at 3 months vs pain at 6 months) accross multiple studies and have the pvalue of this comparisson, to be able to 'statistically' say "This is equal to that!".
    I think I should use ttest to do this, but I cannot -for the life of me- find the correct command structure to run this thing.

    If possible, I would like to do the same comparisson but considering longer periods (e.g. pain from 3 to 6 months vs pain from 6 to 12 months).
    Is this possible to do this without having my PC (an my brain) melting away?

    All suggestions are welcome!
    Thank you any and all help provided.

    Dataset extert:

    id: study id
    n: sample size at this timepoint
    time: timepoint of data collection since baseline (in months)
    mean: mean index (pain/disab) reported
    id n time mean
    1 92 -6 80
    1 92 0 43
    1 81 4 68
    1 65 12 73
    1 51 18 71
    2 548 -6 77
    2 548 0 27
    2 548 4 61
    3 35 -6 88
    3 35 0,5 53
    3 35 3 76
    3 31 6 75
    3 30 12 84
    4 35 0 70
    4 35 0,5 53,46
    4 35 1,5 40,7
    4 35 3 30,56
    5 183 0 80
    5 183 4 24
    5 183 12 69
    5 183 18 70
    6 61 0 83
    6 61 0,5 47
    6 61 4 70
    6 61 12 74

  • #2
    I suspect you'd need metan or some such.

    Simple way:

    g short = inlist(time,0,6)
    g longer = inlist(time,7,12)
    tabstat mean, by(time)
    reg mean short longer 
    reg mean short longer [aw=n]


    • #3
      Thank you very much, Mr. Ford.
      I've run your code and I got this output.

      Could you (or someone else) help me understand what this galaxy of numbers means?
      I have some idea of it, but I dont want to make any assumptions and write things upside-down or backwards on my report.

      As per table 1, I get that pain was higher at baseline and got progressively lower as the time went by.
      But what does the other 2 tables (Model? Residual? _cons?) means?

      Thank you for all your help so far.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Stata Output.png
Views:	2
Size:	39.6 KB
ID:	1771144

      Attached Files


      • #4
        If you are trying to combine results from multiple studies then I suspect the Meta analysis stuff is what you need. I don't do Meta Analysis.

        If you are just trying to get a sense of things, then some simple regressions might work.

        I don't know what you're after.

        It looks to me, with some exceptions, that the pmean is going down over time, except for a bump at 1.5-3 months. But that may be due to some peculiarity in the studies that reported for those times.


        • #5
          Hello Mr Ford.

          I'm trying to check if the diference between timepoints (3 months apart) reaches statistical significance (e.g. pvalue of the diference in pmean from Baseline to 3 months; the same from 3 months vs 6 months; the same from 6 months vs 12 months; and so on).

          Thank you very for for all your help.
          Your code was very helpfull.

