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  • Addressing Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation in only one independent variable After running xtpmg Panel ARDL

    Hi all. Please how to treat heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation in GDP after running Panel ARDL pmg

    After determining the optimal lags and performed the Hausman test., i run this syntax:

    xtpmg d.FDIREI d.REO d.GDP, lr(l.FDIREI REO GDP) ec(ECT) replace pmg

    Pooled Mean Group Regression
    (Estimate results saved as pmg)

    Panel Variable (i): ID Number of obs = 594
    Time Variable (t): Year Number of groups = 33
    Obs per group: min = 18
    avg = 18.0
    max = 18

    Log Likelihood = -3281.471
    D.FDIREI | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
    ECT |
    REO | .0216125 .0037366 5.78 0.000 .0142889 .0289361
    GDP | -.8550642 .2938029 -2.91 0.004 -1.430907 -.2792211
    SR |
    ECT | -1.071479 .147786 -7.25 0.000 -1.361134 -.7818239
    REO |
    D1. | .0413745 .3407124 0.12 0.903 -.6264095 .7091584
    GDP |
    D1. | -5.915913 5.516867 -1.07 0.284 -16.72877 4.896947
    _cons | 15.5448 24.49003 0.63 0.526 -32.45479 63.54438

    Then i run xthrtest:

    . xthrtest Lag_FDIREI REO GDP, force

    Heteroskedasticity-robust Born and Breitung (2016) HR-test on Lag_FDIREI REO GDP
    Panelvar: ID
    Timevar: Year
    Variable | HR-stat p-value | N maxT | balance? |
    Lag_FDIREI + 0.38 0.708 + 33 18 + balanced |
    REO + -1.77 0.077 + 33 19 + balanced |
    GDP + 2.31 0.021 + 33 19 + balanced |
    Notes: Under H0, HR ~ N(0,1)
    H0: No first-order serial correlation.
    Ha: Some first order serial correlation.

    please how to treat heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation in GDP after xtpmg panel ardl model

  • #2
    cluster on the unit will resolve both

