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  • Dynamic panel with T=17 and N = 5

    Hi there,

    I have a panel data set with N=5 and T=17, and I would like to include lags of the dependent variable, i.e., create a dynamic panel model. Is T=17 sufficient to avoid biased estimates? I’ve read Professor Wooldridge's recommendation to use xtscc, but in my case, I would like to specify a dynamic panel model. What would be the best option for this scenario?

  • #2
    The Nickell bias is of order, in the limit, -((1+rho)/(T-1)) I believe, where rho is the coefficient on the lagged dep. var.

    I do not think you have the sufficient amount of observations to try GMM.

    xtscc is when you have a very long panel and you want to allow for cross-cluster correlation.


    • #3
      You could try a bias-corrected estimation with my xtdpdbc command (which requires that all regressors besides the lagged dependent variable are strictly exogenous). But statistical inference is generally challenging with those data dimensions.

