Hi Stata community!
I have a dataset of around 500 patients, and looking at long-term outcomes. I have mortality outcome (named Dead- 0 or 1) and time to event in years (named PersonTime). I want to express mortality rate per 100-person years by subgroups of patients by Gender (0,1) and by Disease status (FNcategory- 0, 1, 2). BUT I want to also adjust for age as age would be a confounder when it comes to mortality.
I started with stset PersonTime, failure(Dead)
I then fit a Cox proportional hazards model to adjust for Age, stratified by Gender and Disease status
stcox i.Gender i.FNcategory Age, robust
| Robust
_t | Haz. ratio std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
1.Gender | 1.928237 .3191884 3.97 0.000 1.393984 2.667246
FNcategory |
1 | 1.266628 .3227276 0.93 0.354 .768722 2.087032
2 | 1.730459 .4978788 1.91 0.057 .9845954 3.041337
Age | 1.113583 .0096699 12.39 0.000 1.094791 1.132698
I've been told that I then need to do:
predict hazard, xb
gen AdjustedHazard = exp(hazard)
and gen MortalityRateAdjusted = (AdjustedHazard * PersonTime * 100)
to get an adjusted mortality rate based on an adjusted hazard which accounts for age?
But the numbers I get are completely nonsensical and way too large per 100 person-years.
What should I do?? I'm not sure if this is the right way.
I'm going crazy with this and not sure if missing something here. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I have a dataset of around 500 patients, and looking at long-term outcomes. I have mortality outcome (named Dead- 0 or 1) and time to event in years (named PersonTime). I want to express mortality rate per 100-person years by subgroups of patients by Gender (0,1) and by Disease status (FNcategory- 0, 1, 2). BUT I want to also adjust for age as age would be a confounder when it comes to mortality.
I started with stset PersonTime, failure(Dead)
I then fit a Cox proportional hazards model to adjust for Age, stratified by Gender and Disease status
stcox i.Gender i.FNcategory Age, robust
| Robust
_t | Haz. ratio std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
1.Gender | 1.928237 .3191884 3.97 0.000 1.393984 2.667246
FNcategory |
1 | 1.266628 .3227276 0.93 0.354 .768722 2.087032
2 | 1.730459 .4978788 1.91 0.057 .9845954 3.041337
Age | 1.113583 .0096699 12.39 0.000 1.094791 1.132698
I've been told that I then need to do:
predict hazard, xb
gen AdjustedHazard = exp(hazard)
and gen MortalityRateAdjusted = (AdjustedHazard * PersonTime * 100)
to get an adjusted mortality rate based on an adjusted hazard which accounts for age?
But the numbers I get are completely nonsensical and way too large per 100 person-years.
What should I do?? I'm not sure if this is the right way.
I'm going crazy with this and not sure if missing something here. Any help is greatly appreciated!