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  • Best Regression Type

    I have a dataset containing 2m observations of loan data from a specific lending platform, with info regarding the loan itself and the borrower, and this data covers over 900 USA zip codes and spans over 6 years from 2013-2019. So for each zip code in each year, I have a few hundred observations roughly on average. I want to see how this lending platform's ability to lend is affected by different variables, like the credit card market loan market concentration ratio or bank branches per capita in that zip code, potentially using the number of loans the platform originated in that zip code in that year as the dependent variable. What would be the best regression type to use in this instance?

  • #2
    welcome to this forum.
    Please note that, as per FAQ, your way to post a query on this forum is not the best one.
    With all that said, I would take a look at Stata -xt- suite.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Carlo Lazzaro View Post
      welcome to this forum.
      Please note that, as per FAQ, your way to post a query on this forum is not the best one.
      With all that said, I would take a look at Stata -xt- suite.
      Hi Carlo. Thank you for responding. Just to clarify, in what way exactly is this post not the best way for this forum?


      • #4
        the issue is not related to the topic of your query, that falls perfectly within the scope of this forum.
        When posting a question on the Statalist, as per FAQ, you should share what you typed and what Stata gave you back and/or posting ab example/excerpt of your dataset via -dataex-. Thanks.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)


        • #5
          #1 looks like the outline of an entire project, perhaps as a major part of a degree programme. There are no precisely no details on recent or intended use of Stata. It's not out of order to ask here purely statistical questions (or if you prefer economic or econometric questions). but that kind of question is unlikely to get a good answer. We do discourage questions that look like outsourcing an assignment.

          To be clear, no one is trying to prohibit or even inhibit a helpful answer, but I have to agree with Carlo Lazzaro that the question isn't well suited to this site.

