Hi there,
I am using Stata 18. Using the code below I am trying to use a loop to append individual datasets for each region in each year (for each outcome/season/age) into one dataset per year. However, not all years have datasets for 9 all regions. As a result, Stata doesn't save a combined dataset for that year. Because I've used 'Capture' the loop runs to the end. Is there a way to get Stata to save each year's data when there aren't datasets for every region?
Thank you in advance,
I am using Stata 18. Using the code below I am trying to use a loop to append individual datasets for each region in each year (for each outcome/season/age) into one dataset per year. However, not all years have datasets for 9 all regions. As a result, Stata doesn't save a combined dataset for that year. Because I've used 'Capture' the loop runs to the end. Is there a way to get Stata to save each year's data when there aren't datasets for every region?
Thank you in advance,
Combine the regions for each year into one dataset cd "datasets\age" foreach outcome in anx cvd dep eatdis psy rti selfharm sleep{ foreach season in Spring Autumn{ foreach year in 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019{ foreach age in 0 1{ capture{ use "`outcome'_`season'_`year'_region1_age`age'.dta", clear foreach region in region2 region3 region4 region5 region6 region7 region8 region9{ append using "`outcome'_`season'_`year'_`region'_age`age'.dta" } save "datasets\age\regions_combined/`outcome'_`season'_`year'_allregions_age`age'.dta", replace } } } } }