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  • Air temperature dataset

    Dear All,

    I have tried to use the code kindly provided by Robert Picard in this post (#10) for precipitation data, to obtain information about air temperature from 1990 to 2014. I used the data available here taken from Willmott, Matsuura and Collaborators' Global CLimate Resource Page and the shapeffile available here. After the construction I kept only year 1900.

    shp2dta using "Original data\TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp", ///
        data("Original data/world_data.dta") coor("Original data/world_coor.dta") replace
    use "Original data\world_data.dta", clear
    save "Original data/allworld_data.dta", replace
    use "Original data/world_coor.dta", clear
    gen long obs = _n
    merge m:1 _ID using "Original data/allworld_data.dta", keep(match) keepusing(_ID) nogen
    sort obs
    save "Original data/allworld_coor.dta", replace
    * Importing weather data one time period 
    infile lon lat p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 ///
        using "Original data\air_temp_2014/air_temp.1900", clear
    * Reducing to grid coordinates
    keep lat lon
    order lat lon
    * Matching grid coordinates to countries
    geoinpoly lat lon using "Original data/allworld_coor.dta"
    * Dropping grid points that did not match the selected countries
    drop if mi(_ID)
    * Showing the matching grid points
    scatter lat lon if _ID == 65 , msize(tiny) mcolor(blue) ///
    || ///
    scatter lat lon if _ID != 65 , msize(tiny) mcolor(blue) 
    graph export "Original data/word2.png", width(800) replace
    save "Original data/allworld_grid.dta", replace
    clear all
    * Obtaining a list of the files in the "air_temp_2014" subdirectory
    filelist , dir("Original data\air_temp_2014")
    * Extracting the year from the file name
    gen year = real(subinstr(filename,"air_temp.","",1))
    assert !mi(year)
    sum year
    * Program to create a file with all the data for each year
    program input_each_year
        // copy file path and year to local macros
        local filename = dirname + "/" + filename
        local thisyear = year
        dis "---------------------------- processing `filename'"
        infile lon lat p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 ///
            using "`filename'", clear
        gen int year = `thisyear'
        egen p = rowtotal(p1-p12)
        drop p1-p12
        // Merge each grid point to get the _ID of the matched country
        merge 1:1 lat lon using "Original data/allworld_grid.dta", ///
            assert(master match) keep(match) nogen
        // Convert to a long layout
        order lat lon year p
        isid lat lon year, sort
        // What's left at this point is considered results and accumulates
    runby input_each_year, by(year) status
    isid lat lon year, sort
    save "Original data/air_temp_annual_grid_1900_to_2014.dta", replace
    clear all
    infile lon lat p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 ///
        using "Original data\air_temp_2014/air_temp.1900", clear
    * Reducing to grid coordinates
    keep lat lon
    order lat lon
    isid lat lon, sort
    * Decimal degree to radians constant
    scalar d2r = c(pi) / 180
    * Distance between .5 degrees of latitude, constant longitude
    geodist 0 0 .5 0, sphere
    scalar ydist = r(distance)
    * Distance between .5 degrees of longitude, constant latitude
    gen xdist = 0.5 * d2r * cos(lat * d2r) * 6371
    * Double-checking using shortest path distance
    gen lon1 = lon - .25
    gen lon2 = lon + .25
    geodist lat lon1 lat lon2, sphere gen(dcheck)
    gen diff = abs(xdist-dcheck)
    sum diff
    * The area of the grid point's Voronoi diagram
    gen grid_area = xdist * ydist
    sum grid_area
    keep lat lon grid_area
    save "Original data/grid_area.dta", replace
    clear all 
    use "Original data/allworld_grid.dta", clear
    merge 1:1 lat lon using "Original data/grid_area.dta", keep(match) nogen
    merge 1:m lat lon using "Original data/air_temp_annual_grid_1900_to_2014.dta", ///
        keep(match) nogen
    * Using the grid area to weight the air temperature data
    gen p_area = p * grid_area
    collapse (count) pN=p (sum) p_area  grid_area, by(year _ID)
    * Mean of air temperature in C degrees
    gen p_mean = p_area / grid_area
    merge m:1 _ID using "Original data/allworld_data.dta", ///
        keepusing(NAME ISO3) assert(match using) keep(match) nogen
    rename (NAME ISO3) (country country3)
    isid country year, sort
    rename p_mean air_temp
    label variable air_temp "mean of air temperature in C degrees"
    drop pN p_area grid_area
    keep if year==1900
    save "Original data/air_temp.dta", replace
    However, the final data look unrealistic. The summary statistics are reported below:

    Variable   |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
     air_temp |        189    212.0034    117.7725  -422.5823   343.0486
    Initially, I though that the problem could be in the command highlighted in red above (so instead of summing up through rows, I took the mean - egen p = mean(p1-p12). But also this attempt was not successful (in this case I obtain negative temperature for all countries). Could you please get me suggestions about how to fix the code above?

    Thanks for any help you may provide.


  • #2
    I haven't tried to follow this, which would be hard without downloading the data and installing the community-contributed commands you use.

    But guessing that 1 to 12 index monthly summaries I note that

    egen mean = mean(p1-p12)
    would give a mean across observations of the difference between p1 and p12, which can't possibly be what you want. Here is a demo:
    . clear
    . set obs 10
    Number of observations (_N) was 1, now 10.
    . forval j = 1/12 {
      2. gen p`j' = `j'
      3. }
    . egen mean = mean(p1-p12)
    . list
         | p1   p2   p3   p4   p5   p6   p7   p8   p9   p10   p11   p12   mean |
      1. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      2. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      3. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      4. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      5. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      6. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      7. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      8. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
      9. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
     10. |  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    -11 |
    rowmean() is more likely to be helpful.

    That is, mean() takes an expression and p1-p12 is an expression. mean() does not accept a wildcarded varlist as such.


    • #3
      divide the sum by 12. If in celcius, that's 17.67C, or 63.8F. That's not far from the average earth temperature.

      just use rowmean



      • #4
        Nick Cox and George Ford Thank you very much for your suggestions. rowmean works fine and the average temperature in the same I obtained is 18.16. Quite close to the one in George's thread.

