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  • Coefplot main coefficient with two dimensions of grouping

    I want to plot the main coefficient from OLS and IV model with three different types of covariates, so that each covariate will get a different color close to each other while the different models are offset the way normally different coefficients would be. In the example below the Y-Axis would be OLS and IV, while the colours would be three different for each cov.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	coefplot.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	8.9 KB
ID:	1770801

    Any idea how to achieve that?

    Here is an MWE for the estimates

     sysuse auto.dta  global cov1 foreign global cov2 $cov1 gear_ratio global cov3 $cov2 displacement  estimates clear forval j = 1(1)3 {     reg price mpg ${cov`j'}     estimates store ols`j'          ivreg price mpg ${cov`j'}     estimates store iv`j'     }

  • #2
    coefplot is from SSC, as you are asked to explain (FAQ Advice #12).

    sysuse auto, clear  
    estimates clear
    reg price mpg foreign gear    
    estimates store ols          
    ivreg price mpg foreign gear    
    estimates store iv    
    coefplot (ols iv, keep(mpg) aseq) ///
             (ols iv, keep(foreign) aseq) ///
             (ols iv, keep(gear_ratio) aseq), ///
             eqlabel(OLS IV, angle(vert)) nokey
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	35.6 KB
ID:	1770811


    • #3
      That's exactly the thing I am struggling with. I don't want the Y-Axis to be different coefficients from one model, but each time it should be the coefficient on mpg, but estimates using different types of covariates.


      • #4
        Terminologies differ, but I understand 'covariate' to mean independent variable or regressor. In the regression:

        reg price mpg foreign gear
        "mpg" is a covariate. So your statement does not make full sense to me. If you want to order coefficients by regressors, consider the following where the position defines 1 "OLS" 2 "IV". You can specify colors as you wish.

        sysuse auto, clear   
        estimates clear 
        reg price mpg mpg foreign gear    
        estimates store ols          
        ivreg price mpg foreign gear   
        estimates store iv     
        coefplot (ols, keep(mpg) aseq(mpg) offset(-.1)) ///
                 (iv, keep(mpg) aseq(mpg) offset(.1)) ///
                 (ols, keep(foreign) aseq(foreign) offset(-.1)) /// 
                 (iv, keep(foreign) aseq(foreign) offset(.1)) /// 
                 (ols, keep(gear_ratio) aseq(gear) offset(-.1)) ///
                 (iv, keep(gear_ratio) aseq(gear) offset(.1) ), nokey

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	27.4 KB
ID:	1770825


        • #5
          Thanks for your patience!

          I had hoped that the the MWE makes it clearer. The "covariates" are the the different cov globals I use in the loop below. Still, each time I want to use only the coefficient of mpg in the regression.

          sysuse auto.dta    
          global cov1 foreign  
          global cov2 $cov1 gear_ratio  
          global cov3 $cov2 displacement  
          estimates clear  
          forval j = 1(1)3 {      
          reg price mpg ${cov`j'}    
          estimates store ols`j'          
          ivreg price mpg ${cov`j'}      
          estimates store iv`j'    


          • #6
            Pretty much the same approach:

            sysuse auto.dta    
            global cov1 foreign  
            global cov2 $cov1 gear_ratio  
            global cov3 $cov2 displacement  
            estimates clear  
            forval j = 1(1)3 {      
            reg price mpg ${cov`j'}    
            estimates store ols`j'          
            ivreg price mpg ${cov`j'}      
            estimates store iv`j'    
            coefplot (ols1, keep(mpg) aseq(cov1) offset(-.1)) ///
                     (iv1, keep(mpg) aseq(cov1) offset(.1)) ///
                     (ols2, keep(mpg) aseq(cov2) offset(-.1)) ///
                     (iv2, keep(mpg) aseq(cov2) offset(.1)) ///
                     (ols3, keep(mpg) aseq(cov3) offset(-.1)) ///
                     (iv3, keep(mpg) aseq(cov3) offset(.1)), ///
                     nokey swapnames
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Graph.png
Views:	1
Size:	29.7 KB
ID:	1770840


            • #7

