I want to plot the main coefficient from OLS and IV model with three different types of covariates, so that each covariate will get a different color close to each other while the different models are offset the way normally different coefficients would be. In the example below the Y-Axis would be OLS and IV, while the colours would be three different for each cov.
Any idea how to achieve that?
Here is an MWE for the estimates
Any idea how to achieve that?
Here is an MWE for the estimates
sysuse auto.dta global cov1 foreign global cov2 $cov1 gear_ratio global cov3 $cov2 displacement estimates clear forval j = 1(1)3 { reg price mpg ${cov`j'} estimates store ols`j' ivreg price mpg ${cov`j'} estimates store iv`j' }