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  • SE logistic with high SE

    Hi to everybody

    firthlogit gruppoASDHR ANSIADEP2 i.quo3,or

    Initial: Penalized log likelihood = -26.901475
    Rescale: Penalized log likelihood = -26.901475
    Iteration 0: Penalized log likelihood = -26.901475
    Iteration 1: Penalized log likelihood = -16.835876
    Iteration 2: Penalized log likelihood = -16.492021
    Iteration 3: Penalized log likelihood = -16.477754
    Iteration 4: Penalized log likelihood = -16.477724
    Iteration 5: Penalized log likelihood = -16.477724

    Number of obs = 41
    Wald chi2(3) = 9.36
    Penalized log likelihood = -16.477724 Prob > chi2 = 0.0249

    gruppoASDHR | Odds ratio Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
    ANSIADEP2 | 5.000001 8.227536 0.98 0.328 .1987523 125.7848
    quo3 |
    2 | .3043478 .2510386 -1.44 0.149 .0604316 1.532768
    3 | .0112721 .017632 -2.87 0.004 .0005255 .2418033
    _cons | 3.285714 2.005822 1.95 0.051 .9931133 10.87078
    Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.
    Is it correct a model with a SE so high??

  • #2
    With only 41 observations and 3 right hand side variables, there is nothing particularly surprising about a standard error of 8.2 around an odds ratio of 5.0.

