Dear Stata users
Here is the data example for my question.
And the code for combined line graph is below:
which produced the following graph
However, I want to extend the upper red dashed line from event_time==-1 to the solid blue line (upper) at event_time==0. Similarly, lower green dashed line from event_time==0 to the solid blue line (lower) at event_time==-1. How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
Zariab Hossain
Uppsala University
Here is the data example for my question.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(event_time LOM_l2h low_off_prev high_off_future LOM_h2l high_off_prev low_off_future) -14 .3 .3636364 1 . . . -13 .4445714 .45529565 .4636531 .5498161 .5538647 .4836202 -12 .4327295 .4855207 .6099911 .5792925 .57581276 .43750185 -11 .4895546 .5074797 .475239 .5086453 .55275226 .50982624 -10 .5172898 .5198574 .5334975 .5421471 .54556763 .5689122 -9 .4970294 .50766385 .5323885 .5474887 .5457824 .5366033 -8 .50223225 .5201586 .5244355 .5632965 .56102276 .5553815 -7 .4916985 .51048684 .4955479 .5635227 .5706884 .52678597 -6 .4836836 .4992603 .54205084 .54794866 .5443441 .5232386 -5 .4808232 .4977573 .5195156 .54516083 .5481579 .5091129 -4 .4687037 .4838091 .5249665 .54742306 .5496201 .51288193 -3 .4738744 .4872146 .52407557 .5367966 .5378292 .5230757 -2 .47064805 .4770534 .5287989 .5337237 .533482 .5334283 -1 .4790803 .4821606 .5397413 .54033774 .5428444 .511556 0 .53636444 .4986189 .55069655 .4732322 .503444 .4835654 1 .5214533 .4919491 .52321386 .4714149 .50900024 .4816726 2 .51340526 .48649925 .50921935 .4735042 .5031114 .481038 3 .50897354 .4964011 .5042692 .4747502 .51145256 .4794954 4 .5134132 .479529 .5128443 .4728722 .5028022 .4713624 5 .4920339 .4910946 .4983232 .4836215 .50921834 .4826125 6 .5086147 .4876752 .5031357 .4796166 .51263535 .48909625 7 .51001245 .4494952 .5009839 .4843147 .4785838 .4848895 8 .51033795 .4306166 .51097775 .4886848 .49674925 .4898983 9 .4946199 .4971439 .4936177 .4623711 .4739278 .4633144 10 .53731185 .458662 .5320845 .45194265 .4503594 .451997 11 .4990519 .5097955 .4915094 .4126871 .3646617 .413646 12 .5065789 .4100477 .4955752 . . . 13 .4983607 .413646 .5168539 . . . end
keep if inrange(event_time,-4,4) line LOM_l2h event_time if event_time<0, lp(solid) lc(blue) || /// line LOM_l2h event_time if event_time>=0, lp(solid) lc(blue) || /// line LOM_l2h event_time if inrange(event_time,-1,0), lp(dash) lc(blue) || /// line low_off_future event_time if inrange(event_time,0,4), lp(dash) lc(green) || /// line high_off_prev event_time if inrange(event_time,-4,-1), lp(dash) lc(red) xline(-1)
However, I want to extend the upper red dashed line from event_time==-1 to the solid blue line (upper) at event_time==0. Similarly, lower green dashed line from event_time==0 to the solid blue line (lower) at event_time==-1. How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
Zariab Hossain
Uppsala University