Dear Statalist, I have a panel data of firm-year for which I know the region each firm belong to, therefore, I study how a regional characteristic relates with firm’s innovation using a multilevel approach. However, I have received a strong recommendation for including into the model a dynamic structure, that is, including the dependent variable lagged as a firm-level characteristic into the model. I am aware of these models for panel data (Arellano-Bond model, or Arellano-Bover, or Blundell-Bond estimator in order to control for the endogeneity coming ffrom this inclusion).
I am wondering if there is any way to perform such a dynamic model in a three-level Logit multilevel analysis. I can imagine that just including the dependent variable lagged in my model, without further corrections will imply a serious endogeneity problem. My main model is logit model:
Here mn_z1 is the regional variable of interest, while the rest are regional- and firm-level controls (I also include Mundlak approach for firm-level for avoiding endogeneity with firm's heterogeneity).
Can you give me some references or point me to the right command I should use?
Any help will be much appreciated!
I am wondering if there is any way to perform such a dynamic model in a three-level Logit multilevel analysis. I can imagine that just including the dependent variable lagged in my model, without further corrections will imply a serious endogeneity problem. My main model is logit model:
melogit y L.x1 L.x2 L.mn_x1 L.mn_x2 i.year i.sector mn_z1 mn_z2 if year>=2008 ||region: ||firm: , or vce(robust) intpoints(15)
Can you give me some references or point me to the right command I should use?
Any help will be much appreciated!