Dear Stata users,
I run a simple graph bar command with by() option. The result I get is some of weired, because in the left and right individual graphs, I find Stata leaves blank space between the bar and the margin, and thus bars width become thinner than normal. I want to know what's going wrong and find a solution. Thank you very much.
I run a simple graph bar command with by() option. The result I get is some of weired, because in the left and right individual graphs, I find Stata leaves blank space between the bar and the margin, and thus bars width become thinner than normal. I want to know what's going wrong and find a solution. Thank you very much.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str18 group str40 item float percent "United of American" "This is a Label" 45 "United of American" "This is not a Label" 12.8 "United of Kingdom" "This Label is real" 79.6 "United of Kingdom" "This Label is not real" 6.9 "United of Nations" "This is a long Label" 53.5 "United of Nations" "This is a real long Label" 72.9 end graph bar percent, over(item) by(group, row(1) compact) nofill ytitle("") name(g1) graph bar percent, over(item, relabel(1 "This" 2 "is" 3 "not" 4 "a" 5 "long" 6 "label")) by(group, row(1) compact) nofill ytitle("") name(g2)