I am trying to export the ATT for psmatch2 using the following:
psmatch2 treatment x1 x2 x3, out(depvar) common
outreg2 using propensity_matching.tex, append
However, it just returns the difference and S.E for the unmatched, while I want that information but for the ATT . How can I export it, either with outreg2 or esttab?
Many thanks.
I am trying to export the ATT for psmatch2 using the following:
psmatch2 treatment x1 x2 x3, out(depvar) common
outreg2 using propensity_matching.tex, append
However, it just returns the difference and S.E for the unmatched, while I want that information but for the ATT . How can I export it, either with outreg2 or esttab?
Many thanks.