Please if you can provide me with the code/ steps to create as attached image
Thank you
Thank you
webuse nlswork , clear foreach x in race collgrad south { cisets mean ln_wage, over(`x') saving(`x', replace) } foreach x in race collgrad south { use `x', clear levelsof origgvar, local(levels) twoway bar point origgvar, base(0) barw(0.6) fcolor(none) xla(`levels', valuelabel) legend(off) /// || rcap ub lb origgvar, yla(0(0.5)2.5) ytitle(`=varlabel') name(`x', replace) twoway scatter point origgvar, ms(D) msize(medium) xla(`levels', valuelabel) legend(off) /// || rbar ub lb origgvar, fcolor(none) ytitle(`=varlabel') name(`x'2, replace) } graph combine race collgrad south, row(1) name(G1, replace) graph combine race2 collgrad2 south2, row(1) ycommon name(G2, replace)