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  • Cox-regression with a time-varying covariate registered only at 1 year post surgery - which command to choose?


    Basic question, I fear, but I'm having a bit of trouble navigating the guides.

    I am studying whether risk of dying post surgery for patients is increased if the patient has been hospitalized for an infection at 1-year post surgery (no exact dates provided, only a categorical variable with y/n). I would like to fit a Cox regression with the time-varying covariate hosp_1yr included as well as other covariates such as age, sex, hypertension etc.. If possible, I would thereafter like to illustrate the effect of having been hospitalized for infection 1yr post surgery on survival time in a graph, preferably divided by sex. I can't figure out whether I should use the tvc option, stsplit at failures, or the stcoxint. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for helping a newbie out!